Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Louis’ P.O.V.

Jade is taking a long time to talk to her mother. I wonder is everything all right? She’s never really talked about her family much. I had a feeling they didn’t get on, but I never asked. Why would I? As the days pass, the more and more sure I am that she doesn’t like me like I like her.

I got up off of the couch after wiping off the make-up and trudged into the tour bus. Jade was in Niall’s bed, playing guitar and singing. I never knew she could play the guitar or sing. I guess there’s a lot I don’t know about Jade Powers.

‘Come upstairs and I'll show you where all my

Where my demons hide from you

Just look at who I have become

I am so ashamed you were the one that made me feel the way I do

You broke me

And taught me

To truly hate myself

Unfold me

And teach me

How to be like somebody else

When I felt strong enough

I was discovered by the love

I had been waiting for so long

You told me none of that was real

I cannot hide how low I feel

to know that you were never wrong

You broke me

And taught me

To truly hate myself

Unfold me

And teach me

How to be like somebody else

You're lost and found

Fallen out

Broken down

You broke me

And taught me

To truly hate myself

Unfold me

And teach me

How to be like somebody else.’

Those lyrics, they can’t be how she’s feeling, can it? I mean, Jade is always happy and bubbly and loud and laughing, she can’t possibly be feeling like this on the inside, can she?

‘Jade, that was really good.’ I said, making my presence known. She whipped around to look at me with teary eyes. I ran over to her and scooped her up in my arms, cradling her the best I could with a guitar between us.

‘You weren’t meant to hear that.’ She said, not looking at me.

‘And why is that? It’s a great song, really heartfelt and emotional.’ I said, trying and failing to make her look at me.

‘But no one was meant to hear it Lou. It’s too personal.’ She said, getting up with and leaving the piece of paper on the bed. I got up too, trying to stop her from walking away.

‘Jade! Is there something you're not telling me?’ I ask, but it came out harsher than I would’ve hoped. Why is she acting like this? What happened?

‘You don’t know the half of it, Tommo.’ She said before gliding out of the bus, leaving me wondering what the hell is going on.


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