Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Jade’s P.O.V.

Did God invent sunlight just to wake me up from the best sleep I've ever had? If he did, he’s a cruel man.

‘Jade? You finally up?’ Louis whispered into my ear, waking my senses further. I just nuzzled closer into him. He smiled but shook me awake. I shot my head up to glare at his smiling face.

‘What?’ I asked, gritting my teeth. I was never a morning person.

‘You remember what happened to Niall the morning before we left? Yah… well…’ I looked down. OH GOOD GOD! I jumped off the bed and scrambled into my own one. Jesus holy Christ I did not need to see that. Why did I have to see my two best friends little situation? Was I being punished for something?

I heard Louis laugh and go into the shower. Ugh. Why did I agree to live on a tour bus with five boys? Was I high or something?

‘You know you love us.’ Niall said from below me.

‘I said that out loud didn’t I?’ I asked, pursing my lips at myself.

‘Yup,’ he said, popping the “p”, ‘And I recommend you don’t turn around. Harry was sleeping commando and the sheets came off.’

‘JESUS! When will you learn to hide ye’re “mini me”’s from me?’ I asked, stuffing my head into the pillow. He just laughed at me, rolled over, and went back to sleep. That boy amazed me sometimes.


‘So he was up?’ Anna raised one eyebrow at me from across the table. I had to spend some time with a girl, so I decided to have breakfast at Anna’s. Well, Anna, Paul, Jamie, Andy the bass player, Wiz the lights guy and Ollie the sound guy’s place. And by place I mean bus. You get it, right?

‘Yup, straight as a bloody arrow.’ I said, causing her to start laughing so tea came out of her nose.

‘I'm marrying that in less than 2 months.’ Jamie came over and kissed her on the cheek. I just laughed at him as she glared at her extremely hot fiancée. They gave Jamie a job on tour as the assistant to Wiz the lights guy. Who knew Jamie was great with computers?

‘Keep this up and that might change.’ She smiled jokingly at him and he pouted. If I could I would pounce him right now… ‘JADE!?’

‘Huh what me yes no maybe huh?’ I replied, breaking out of my daze. Is it wrong to be fantasising about your best friend’s fiancée?

She just smiled and shook her head, mopping up her nose tea. I blushed and went back to my cereal. Her phone started ringing and she picked it up, grinning at the caller ID.

‘Hey mom! Yeah, I'm good, you? Good, and dad? That’s great! Yup, Jamie’s fine. No, he didn’t cheat. Mom! You can’t just say stuff like that!’ she said into the phone, her eyebrows half way up her forehead. Well now we all know where Anna gets her crazy gene from.

Jeez, I haven’t talked to my mom in what, 2 years? Ever since Dad died. That must be two years by now. I should probably check if she’s still alive…

‘Kay mom. Yeah. Give dad my best. Love you too.’ She hung up the phone smiling. I bet its nice having a relationship with your parents; I just kinda got used to not by now.

‘Was that mom and dad?’ Jamie asked from the couch where he was on his laptop. She nodded back to him and he smiled. There was obviously something here, but if she didn’t tell me then she doesn’t want me to know. I was never a nosy person, and I wasn't going to start now.

‘What’re your parents like?’ Anna asked me curiously.

‘Well let’s just say I never had much of a connection with my Mother. We don’t exactly see eye to eye. And my dad died two years ago.’ I told her, looking at my shuffling feet. I felt her get up off of her chair and come over to m, slinging an arm around me.

‘I'm sorry to hear that. I shouldn’t have asked.’ she said softly. I shook my head and hugged her back. It wasn't her fault, she didn’t know. She went over to her side of the table and no more was said on the subject.


‘Ok, so you spread the foundation evenly, then you put the blusher over the cheeks like this.’ She spread the foundation all over Niall’s horrified face. I laughed at his expression and started working on Louis. I said it was payback for this morning.

‘Do I seriously have to do this? Can’t you just throw me under the Tour Bus while it’s moving or something?’ Louis complained. I just slapped his cheek lightly and pointed a finger at him. He shut up immediately.

Niall made a whipping noise from beside me and Anna smiled.

‘Next, you get the eye shadow and spread it over the eye, starting from the inside.’ She rubbed the brush on Niall’s pale eyelid. H flinched and I laughed. Louis on the other hand didn’t even move. It’s like he has done this before… oh yeah, he had sisters that explains.

‘Then you get the mascara and put it on lightly.’ She tried to put mascara on Niall but he kept on blinking and flinching and protesting until she finally gave up. Louis was very good again. I must say, he makes a pretty girl.

‘JADE! Someone’s here to see you.’ Jamie popped his head in the door. I cocked my eyebrow but followed all the same. I walked into the corridor and was shocked to the spot with what I saw.


Yes this is uber short and very shizzy, but i needed to get her parents in the mix :) SORRY!!      @SushmeeSingh is awesome and shizz, so she gets a ded :) Love you my Ninjas! xx

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