Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Jade’s P.O.V.

‘Get up. Now.’


‘Wow, that’s an attractive noise.’


‘Seriously? I was going to be an English teacher, so take it from me; that is now how you say it.’

‘Shut. The. Fuck. Up.’

‘That’s better! Now take out the swear word and we might be getting places!’


‘Yes Jade?’

‘Go get hit by a pus please.’

‘Jeez, someone woke up at the wrong side of the bed…’


‘Language, missy.’

‘Where’s Booth when you need him?’

I grumpily made my way out of my bed and into the kitchen where the boys were eating cereal around the table. You could feed a small army with the amount of cereal Niall had, but he was demolishing it fairly fast.

‘Morning!’ Harry smiled at me, flashing his dimples. I poked one as I sat down, making him squirm and frown. Looks like I poked it harder than I was meant to. Whoops.

‘So what’s in store today?’ Louis asked, being his normal childish self. I thanked him for singing the song last night and everything before we went to bed, and he apologised for not being himself. He said it was because he’s never sang a full song by himself and he was nervous. I honestly don’t understand why Lou doesn’t get more solos; I mean he has one of the nicest voices I've ever heard.

‘Well we have a show tonight, but we’re free until then! So let’s go… SHOPPING!’ Zayn exclaimed and everybody but Niall cheered. He just shrugged and smiled into his next spoonful of cereal.

‘Where are we again?’ I asked, forgetting the next venue of the tour.

‘Manchester.’ He replied and I felt my heart jump.

‘I lived here before I went to live in London! I know this city like the back of my hand!’ I exclaimed, getting excited myself now.

‘Well then what are we waiting for?’ Liam jumped out of his chair and went to grab for his shoes.

‘I have to get ready.’ I said, getting up and making my way to the bathroom. They all groaned behind me and sat back down, frowns on their faces.

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