Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Zayn’s P.O.V.

‘… I have some news about Louis Tomlinson.’ said the nurse. She had bags under her eyes and looked like she had just worked a 72 hour shift. A lot of the nurses and doctors looked like that around here.

‘Tell me its good news?’ Niall looked at her pleadingly. He seemed so helpless as he clung onto Liam's t-shirt. Niall had Liam, Harry always had Louis, and I was always the odd one out to be honest. It never really bothered me, but its times like these that you start to wish you had someone close to you.

Why couldn't Harry feel the same way?

Stupid Larry, I know I shouldn’t be jealous, but I am.

Yes, I, Zayn Malik, have feeling for Harry Styles. Strong feelings.

‘I'm afraid he has slipped into a shallow coma. The veins in his wrist have suffered dramatically, but they will heal in time. We are going to attempt to pull him out of his coma tomorrow. I'm so sorry.’ She said with purpose in her voice. Well, no point being around the bush.

I looked over to see Liam crying shamelessly while stroking Niall’s hair. Harry was next to me and he hasn’t reacted yet. I felt my eyes well up as I looked at his flawless face ridden of all emotion. I have learned in the short year that I've known him that when he is at his lowest, he freezes. His hand brushed my own and I felt the familiar tingles go up my arm.

His jade eyes met mine and he looked at me like it was the first time he has ever seem me. His lip started quivering and his breath-taking eyes were full to the brim with tears that were threatening to roll down his unblemished cheeks. He lunged into me and gripped me tightly as he cried into the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around him securely and whispered into his ear.

‘Shh, it’s ok Haz, Lou will be ok, he’s a fighter and we both know it.’ I stroked his hair, knowing there was nothing I could do to ease his suspicions.  I finally let the tears that I have been choking back fall from my eyes and land on the nape of Harry’s neck. He continued crying like a baby into my chest. It felt right, him being in my arms. I know all of my thoughts should be occupied with Louis, but Harry has taken the prime role in my mind for the last 6 months and he was reluctant to step down.

‘Zayn?’ his weak yet angelic voice rang through my ears after about five minutes of me just holding him.

‘Yes beautiful Harry?’ I said before I thought about what was coming out of my mouth.

‘I don’t know what I will do if he di-’ I stand him up straight and cupped my hand over his mouth.

‘He won’t, don’t even think that. And if things do go downhill we will all be here for you.’ I smiled weakly but reassuringly at him. His red eyes met my own and my heart almost stopped. He had an expression in his eyes that I’ve never seen before. I couldn't quite place it, but its definatly not a look that should be there.

He took a step closer to me and took my hand in his. I again felt the sparks, and I had a feeling he did to because he took my other hand. He took another small step closer to me so I could feel his hot breath on my lips. He looked intently into my eyes, boreing down on me with that implacable expression.

‘Zayn?’ he breathed as he took one more step towards my body, which was in shock by the way. I couldn't react. SAY SOMETHING FOR GOD’S SAKE!

‘MmmHmm?’ I breathed back, not able to form words with my frozen jaw.

‘Thanks.’ He pecked my lips lightly before ripping away from me and striding into Louis’ hospital room, leaving me feeling shocked and helpless.

What just happened?

And where is Jade?

Jade’s P.O.V.

The second the nurse finished telling us what’s wrong with Lou, I ran off to his room. I couldn't handle seeing my best friends cry. I needed to see him. I needed to hold his hand. I needed to comfort him in any way I can.

I plodded into a chair and pulled it up to Louis’ bed. He had tubes and needles sticking in and out of every pore in his body.  I held his hand and started whispering to him.

‘Lou, you can hear me, can’t you? They can always hear you in the movies. Or is it like in my name is earl, where you are living a different life in your head? Am I there? Probably not, why would I be there? I'm only some girl who found your phone on a bus, nothing more. But you are so much more to me. You are the reason I have a spring in my step every morning when I wake up, the reason why I can put up with my once boring and uneventful life, and you are the reason why my life has become exactly the opposite. Don’t go Lou, I will miss you so much if you do, I miss you now. I miss you like crazy, even though it has only been I few hours. And if I miss you this much after only that length of time, then I don’t even want to think about what it would be like if you never came back. I love you Louis Tomlinson, but you don’t love me.’ tears were openly streaming down my fac. I moved a bit of his perfect hair that was laying out of place. I just studied his unmoving features and concentrated on the constant rhythm of the heart monitor for a few minutes until Harry entered.

‘Hey.’ He said to me as he pulled up a chair opposite. His normally bright eyes were now hazed over with confusion and sadness. ‘Can we talk?’

‘Yeah, sure. What’s up?’ I asked, not letting go of Louis’ hand.

‘I just kinda kissed… um… aah… ugh…’ he stuttered, not meeting my eye.

‘Kissed who Harry?’ I persevered.

‘Zayn. I kissed Zayn. And I liked it.’ He locked his confused eyes with my shocked ones.


Well lads, any craic? Sorry this is fairly short and shizzy, but i just needed to say what was wrong with Louis and start the whole Zarry thing. Do you like the Zarry idea? i do :) I dont think Zarry get's enough attention! Until we meet again. *Tips imaginary top-hat*

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