•Chapter 1•

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"Love you sis, see you soon"  they both said

"love you too" i said before hanging up , just got off the phone with my brothers.

Sadly they got send to DR (Dominican Republic) by their mother because they were getting into a lot of trouble , so it was best for them. Now Josh just got out of jail and already graduated from college and just turn 24, also it's going to move back to buy a studio and start on his music. While Ricky is 19 is also moving back to start his sophomore year of college here.

I just got out of softball practice and i was currently sitting down on the couch finishing up my food.

"Yooo! What you eating" i look up and saw that my step dad was drunk . i gather my stuff and put the dish on the sink and walk into my room but he grab my arm. "Where's yu goin? ah?"

"let me go!" i yanked my hand off his grip and he drunkenly laughed . I walked in my room and make sure the door was lock. He started to bang on my door "open up Riley, i won't hurt you" . 

"Not today please" i prayed, and the banging stop. i started to work on my homework .

Few hours later, i heard a knock on the door.

"Riley, what i've tell you about locking door!" I look at the time and saw my mom got out of work early. I put my homework away and got up to unlock the door.

"sorry mo-" she slapped so hard , and i looked at her with tears rolling down.

always putting her hands on somebody.

"I come home to a f**** mess and youre here doing nothing!!" she said fussing at me "Betted get your ass up and do some, you see Marc is drunk and threw up !! and you couldn't even made him soup!!"

"it's not my fault he drinks everyd-" she slap me again and this time harder.

god give me strength

"who you talking back to! huh! better watch the mouth, me escuchaste (you hear me)" she walked away fussing in spanish. I looked in the mirror and saw that my cheeks were red. I wiped my tears and grab my hoodies and jacket , and my put on my black ugg boot.

Make sure my mom wasn't in the living room, and left .I made sure to put my phone on silent didn't feel like being bother.

I started to walk down the stairs from my building, and saw couple guys smoking.

"Sup Riley!" the one with red sweatshirt and sweatpants said, probably a friend of my brothers. I ignored him and put on my hood and decided to go to the park and walk for a little.

So many things were rushing in my head, the fact that i have to come home to bs. ever since my dad died my mom blamed it on my brothers and I.


"sir do you have any cameras to find the suspect" the police said to my grandpa and he nodded and went to the back of the bodega.

My mom came running from the front door with tears.

"If y'all didn't decided to go get ice cream , he wouldn't be dead!!" she said screaming at us.

"It's not our fault Yolanda, so don't come here blaming things on us, go on about your day" Josh said shaking his head.

"It was joshua, couldn't  y'all go to the mall or somewhere else, you know what your dad into ! and y'all just got him killed! especially you Riley!"

flashback over..

Ever since he passed away , she made it seem like it was my fault , that everything that has happened to us it was our fault.  But my brothers tell me that they shot the wrong person, it was supposed to be my dad friend but he ran away when the suspect pulled up.

I saw a nearby bench and decided sit down, i got my phone out and saw; it was 9:36 pm
3 missed calls from Mom
2 miss calls from unknown number.

I walk a little bit more in the park before and saw someone was chasing me.

I started to run and look back and the person was running too, i kept running as fast as i could but i trip over a rock.

The mystery guy caught up to me.

"Why you running sweetheart?" he said smiling , he has gold teeth's, i stayed quite.

"You don't talk, Well there's something that can make you talk" i tried getting up but he pushed right back. He sipped down his jeans and pull down mines but started pushing him away . Everything happens so fast, before you know he was inside me, and i was screaming but nobody seem to heard me, he kept going harshly inside me, all i could was cry even though I was trying to fight but couldn't

Few minutes after he was pushed away from me, and I quickly got up without thinking twice, putting my pants up, I saw a couple of grown guys that i've never seen fighting the guy, I ran with tears rolling down my eyes.

"Shawty!! wait" one of the guys called

But i just kept running, when i got home i went straight to my bed.

I just couldn't believe what happen just a few minutes ago.. Why me? why today?


I know it escalated quickly, but what y'all think?

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