•Chapter 2•

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(Benjamin & Dean in the picture above)

2 weeks later.

Haven't been to school lately and today was the day i decided to come back just because my mom was bugging me out.

Walking around school with my head down was a everyday thing, ever since the accident in the park, like i don't be saying hey to anyone when i go to the store. I haven't  been talking to anyone i mean i never do.

My brothers friends must've said something to them, that they be constantly calling me and texting , so has my grandma.

I sat down in the lunch table by myself and played around with my food, i haven't been eating or feeling like myself lately. I got up and threw my food away and decided to walk around a little bit till it was time to go to class.

"Riley! Yo" i turned around and rolled my eyes, my brothers friends came running up to me.

I stopped and turn around.

"Yo Ri man, Call your bros sis. I know it's hard for you man but just call em" Dean said he was my Ricardo best friend. sounding concern , since when his friends care about me .

"Why do you care?"

"Yo, Riley chill ii, i'm just kinda looking out for you, you hurd me?" I shakes my head and walked away. "call them Riley!!"

after school.

"Great practice girls! see y'all tomorrow with the same energy!" Couch said and we gather  our things. I started to walk home, and saw my brothers friends waiting in front of the field.

"So now y'all going to follow me" I asked all of them.

"No, we just chilling" he said sarcastically i shakes my head and look at Dean, and at his friends that was standing behind him.

"No you aren't and if you were maybe worry about your education since you stayed back , also about 2 years old and your pregnant girlfriend and not worry about me" I said and they with their mouth wide open, i turn around and kept walking. One of my brothers friend, Keon stopped me.

"Look i don't know you like that, but we just trying to look after you babe girl" He said still grabbing my hand, I looked behind him and saw Benjamin staring.

"Well look, i appreciate it but i'm a big girl. ok?" he shake his head and let my hand go and started to walk home.

I came home and the house was clean, probably my mom clean. Open the fridge and there NOTHING expect for water. Thankfully i get paid tomorrow, Friday. I close it and put my stuff down in my room, gather my things and got in the shower across of my room.

After my shower, i change into some leggings and oversized t-shirt. Thankfully i didn't have homework.

I looking at my ringing phone and answer without looking at the ID.

"So now you decide to answer! Riley Rose Reyes! where have you been? matter of fact why haven't you answer? huh? got me sick worried about you" next time should've look at the ID , and hate when Joshua yells at me.

"sorry, i been busy with school." i said looking outside my window.

"oh yea? why couple weeks ago you were by yourself . Tú ta loca (you're crazy) Rylie, i'm not there and if anything  happen to you huh!"

"i went for a walk, my mom got me mad and i needed some air"

"Riley you lying , you would never go days matter of fact weeks without talking to me and ricky or especially mama" Probably his friends told him that they saw me get out the building at night time

"Josh, I'm not lying" I said looking down at my nails.

He took a few minutes to answer back.

"Alright Riley" he hung up, I sigh.

My brothers and grandparents are the only one that cares about me. But if i told my brothers about the accident, they would kill anyone and i don't want them to ruin their career for me or reputation.

why everything bad happens to me.. what a depressing week.



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