•Chapter 4• (pt.2)

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"you're not gone hug us?" Ricardo said, I slowly got up and hug them both.

"I'm so happy y'all are back" they look at me

"word? we still have to talk" Joshua mumbled and i nodded.

We all started to vibe and talk about memories and other stuff.

"Riley, come let's dance" my grandpa said pulling me, and shakes my head laughing

"no papa"

"Get on girl" He put me up and put his hand on my waist and the other one with my hand, i put my left hand on his shoulder .

1234 1234 i kept repeating, in my head while dancing bachata.

"Riley move your hips girl!" my aunt said and i did that while my grandma was in the corner recording us.

"Tia (aunt) do you even know how to dance" My cousin said

"Boy! you talking to a profesional" She said getting up, and they started to dance.

few hours later

My aunts, uncles and cousins had finally left. Now i was trying to find a way no to talk to my brother. While they were eating, I was now in bed trying to go to sleeps.

"Riley, you awake?" i heard joshua ask, i felt him walked more in the room and i shut my eyes. He kissed my forehead "Love you" and then he left.

next morning

I woke up and did my hygiene. when i was done i went to the kitchen it seems like nobody was awake. I look threw the bridge, and decided to make some mangu (mashed plátano) with fried cheese and salami.

"Good morning sunshine, you didn't have to make breakfast" my grandma said walking in the kitchen and looking at what i made.

"I know you would've been tired, it's an appropriation for you, even though it's just breakfast" i slightly smile and smile back

"everything you do, i appreciate even the little things" She said while taking out the orange juice "You remind me of your father" I just smile because i get that a lot.

When i finished, put everything on the the table and my grams brought the juice and planted and spoons, while i went and got cups.

The Grandpa, Ricky and Joshua walked in, and we all ate while talking about life, normal stuff.

I started to feel a little anxious, and i excused myself and went to the restroom. I squared down and threw up, everything i just ate.

i need to go to the hospital, probably not ya just the flu

I thought to myself, the door flew open and my grandma walked in, she looked at me with a sad face.

"You want to go to the hospital?" I shake my head and slowly got up, and flush the toilet.

"It's probably the flue" I smile slightly while grabbing my tooth brush to brush my teeth.

"Riley baby, what happen? huh when you went for a walk" She got closer and rubbed my back,
my eyes started to tear up.

I rinsed my mouth and put the tooth brush back.

"It's my fault i should've have went mamá, i should've stayed home and not go for a walk, i should've listen to Joshua" I cried and she hugged me tightly rocking me back and forth, hear my grandma crying too. She pulled away, and put my hair behind my ears.

"It's not your fault, ok? you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, but don't take it upon yourself and blame it on yourself, ok?" She kisses my forehead "And if you are or not, i'll love you regardless" I nodded

"How did you know, that something happen" I said sniffing

"Girl, i know everything that you may think i don't, if you want we can get you p test" she said not wanting to say pregnancy test. "wash your face so they don't start talking" she giggle and i smile.

Probably it wasn't the flu, it was the i was pregnant. But how the hell did my grandma know, what happen the night. I shakes all the thoughts from my head and washed my face, and got myself ready before getting out.

When I open the door, i bump into Joshua. He looked down at me and I looked up. He gave me an uneasy look.

"Let me guess you heard everything" I said low putting my head down.

"Yeah, i'm a noisy nigga so" He mumble still looking at me, he pulled me to his room, I sat on the bed and he sat next to me. "I don't want to yell at you and say that's why i tell you not to go out at night, but I can't keep yelling at you knowing that you're hurting and this might be eating you even though you don't like talking about your feelings. I love you so much Riley, and you have to understand that we all care about you even if we're miles away or not" Few tears started to drop from my eyes and i look up and his eyes were tearing up. The door open and Ricky walked in.

"We may not know what exactly happen, but we heard a few stuff. We just wanted to heard it from you, When you weren't answering Riley we were worried so we had to flight out here fast as possible, we were short with money but we made a way" Ricky said sitting on the other side of me, now i was in the middle of them.

"No matter what Ri-pooh, We'll always got your back" Joshua said hugging me and i hugged back "But i'm killing the nigga" he mumble and i shake my head, ricky got in the hug too.

Noting was better than having a family that supports you, but i don't know how my mom would take it. Knowing that she had me at 17.

"You know what, so you don't be sad all day. Let's go to the park, for a walk and then get ice cream" Ricky said Smiling, we all nodded.

"Facts bro, and Riley make sure you brush your teeth cause girl you breathe stinks, shrek smell" Joshua said pinching his nose and Ricky started laughing. I just chuckled and got up, "Atleast got a smile out of you"

I'm happy that they're back, nothing is better than a good bond with your siblings.



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