•Chapter 10•

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"Just because I'm gone don't mean y'all can throw a party, y'all heard me" my grandma told us and we nodded, while my grandpa put the bags in the taxi

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"Just because I'm gone don't mean y'all can throw a party, y'all heard me" my grandma told us and we nodded, while my grandpa put the bags in the taxi

"and make sure y'all check on your sister" my grandpa included closing the back of the cab

"and you're mother" my grandma said and kissed us on our forehead "behave and love you guys" they got in the cab and drove off, which we haven't heard from my mother since we were on our way back to NYC

"well we got the crib to ourselves" Joshua said smiling "but I have to be in the studio, ill see you later"

"before I leave, I heard Nahla is back in town" Joshua said referring to my childhood best friend

"How you know?" I asked, last time I heard she was in Paris doing a photo shoot for her wig line

"Because I seen her with my eyes if you want to see her, her shop is down the street from my studio" he said getting in the car

"Wait, let me go with you then" I insisted, and he nodded and I got in the car and he drove off

Nahla is back, I said in my head with a smile

I walked in the salon, and there was people fixing around the shop

"Excuse me, may I help you" I heard someone behind me, I slowly turned around and was face to face with Nahla

"Ricardo?" she asked surprised and I nodded "Oh my gosh! its been a while son" she said hugging me and I hugged back chuckling

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"Ricardo?" she asked surprised and I nodded "Oh my gosh! its been a while son" she said hugging me and I hugged back chuckling

"Girl, you doing it big I see" I told her, admiring around the shop

"You already know but we definitely have to cash up" she said smiling

"Totally girl" I told her, we exchange numbers and decided to meet another day since she had to get the shop ready for the grand opening


I adjusted my back off shoulder shirt, since I wasn't barely showing yet, I grabbed my purse and walked out the building, I took my phone out about to text my grandparents to see if they got to DR safely

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I adjusted my back off shoulder shirt, since I wasn't barely showing yet, I grabbed my purse and walked out the building, I took my phone out about to text my grandparents to see if they got to DR safely.

"Ayo, Riley" I turned around and saw Benjamin walking towards me

"yes?" I asked,  stopping where I was

"Umm, so I was supposed to meet with my pops today and I was wondering if you know where he might be, because I went to the construction place he said he was working at but they said they didn't know him" he explain to me , while I was confused cause he never work

"Well, I didn't know he worked at a construction but he's probably home" I told him

"You're going home right?" he asked and I slightly nodded

"Yeah if you want to come see him, then come on" I told him, and we walked and talked to our way to my house

When we got there, I saw my mother laying on the sofa watching TV, once I closed the door she looked up confused.

"who is this" she asked sitting up still with the confused impression on her face

"Mom, this is Jose's son Benjamin, Benjamin this is my mother Yolanda" I introduce them, and her confused impression changed

"oh my! very nice to meet you, do you want something to drink?" she asked, and he smile shaking his head 'no'

"no thanks, its fine. I came cause I was supposed to hang out with my dad" he said and we sat down

"well he should be here soon" she said taking a beer from the bridge

"He works at the construction right?" he asked while rubbing his bear, while I just listen scrolling on instagram

"No, he just lost his job at the hotel he was working at last month but I didn't know he worked at a construction but if you want you can wait for him here" he slowly nodded and I looked at my mother like:

"No, he just lost his job at the hotel he was working at last month but I didn't know he worked at a construction but if you want you can wait for him here" he slowly nodded and I looked at my mother like:

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sorry i barely been updating, i just been busy with school :(


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