Ten O'clock at night

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Jongin had swiped the spray cleaner and cloth from off the counter and skipped towards the table in the corner where a nice looking couple were sat, who just left.  Spraying the cleaner, he placed it on another side table and began to wipe away. As he cleaned the table, he heard the familiar bell ring as the door opened. Jongin was slightly confused as to why someone was arriving at almost ten oclock on a Thursday evening but he went with it anyway. Somewhere in the back, Luhan and Sehun were laughing about something Jongin was clearly out of the loop with.

The boy looked a little older than Jongin when he stood up and smiled, quickly placing down the cleaning products to take the boys order. His eyes were rimmed red as if he had been crying. Jongin stepped forward, smiling widely when the boy looked up, returning the action.

"Hello! What can I get for you tonight?"

"Umm. Do you have caramel hot chocolates?" The boy asked, sadness clear and evident in his voice.

"I'm sure I can make one up for you!" Jongin quickly wrote down the order.

As he went to walk away, a sudden question popped into his head that he forgot to ask.

"Oh, would you like whipped cream?" 

The customer nods enthusiaticly, almost excited over the idea of whipped cream. Jongin smiled even wider, if that were possible, and began to slide behind the bar. Luhan was still washing a few mugs whilst Sehun seemed to be fast asleep on the stairs leading to the upstairs bathroom and resting area for their lunch breaks. Including four of their customers and the seven that worked in the cafe, they made a group of 11 best friends. Their nights out where a bit mental, espically when they gave Jongdae or Minseok a shot.

"Pass me a clean mug please, and a plate." Jongin asked.

Luhan quickly shoved the two china sets into the younger hands to quickly continue washing up. You would've thought, this late at night, that all three of them, and Junmeyon upstairs, would want to go home. But the sweet little coffee shop that was filled with old wood tables and pine beams to the ceiling was a second home to them.

Once the hot chocolate was made, Jongin pumped two shots of caramel into the sweet drink, probably making it a little too sweet. From the glass cabinet where they showed the various pastries and cupcakes, Jongin took a cookie, propping it against the mug on the plate. It was almost like Jongin was dancing, twisting and turning round the small kitchen like area to grab the whipped cream can, piling it on so it looked appetizing.

Taking the piping drink and cookie to the table, Jongin gently set it down.

"Don't worry about paying for the cookie. It's too late for worrying about that. Enjoy!" Jongin said.

The boy thanked him quietly, voice barely heard over the sudden pelting of the rain at the window.

Jongin decided to join Luhan and Sehun on the stairs whilst they talked. The eleven of their friends, including Jongin, were still deciding about moving in together. Somewhere near the colledge so the younger ones could still attend whilst running the coffee shop. The four of their friends ,that were only really customers, were also considering joining the coffee shop, so they could run this place together. Minseok, Sehun, Yixing and Chanyeol were the four customers.

"We need to close up after that boy leaves." Sehun whispered, leaning into his friend. 

It was about twently minutes later when Jongin went to check on their customer, immediatly smiling when he saw him. The boy had fallen asleep after drinking the drink, cookie half finished. Taking off his apron, the barista went to sit on the opposite side of the table, reaching out to shake the boys upper arm, waking him up.

"Hey, you fell asleep there. Are you okay getting home or would you like a lift? I'm happy to give you one."

"That would be nice, yeah." The boy replied. Jongin smiled.

The boy fell asleep again Jongins car, head bumping against the window. Thankfully, Jongin recognised the street name he had been told and found the number pretty quick. Before exiting the car, the boy placed a card and some money into the barista's hand, paying for the ride home and the drink.

"My name is Baekhyun by the way. My number is on the card."

Baekhyun's smile was warm and Jongin watched him enter the house, making sure he got in okay. 

That smile made Jongin warm inside. 

Butterflies in his stomach.

Pulling away, Jongin drove in the direction of his own apartment.

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