Twelve in one apartment

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Yifan's dad, along with Minseok's and Luhan's parents, helped all of them move everything into the apartment the same day, making it more hectic than anyone was really expected. Sehun and Luhan had already sold their apartment, hoping to stay the night in the new one. The hardest piece of furniture to get inside was the piano, that Chanyeol immediately took a loving too. 

Kyungsoo, Jongin and Baekhyun would have the room at the very end of the hall, which had the second balcony, the first one being in the living room. Kyungsoo was still driving when Baekhyun came round, curling further into the warmth of the blanket that was led across him. 

"You're awake? How do you feel?" Kyungsoo asked, turning left so he was entering the car park of the coffee shop. 

"I'm fine. Where are we exactly?" Baekhyun yawns, enjoying another persons company.

"The café. Tao needed someone to work, it got really busy." 

"I could help."

And that's how Baekhyun ended up wearing one of the brown aprons with the hexagonal emblem that was on the outside of EXO café. He took one of the notepads from off the side and nicked the pen from Tao's shirt pocket, making the younger giggle. Baekhyun didn't expect to really enjoy taking orders and making conversations with the old ladies that complemented his hair, which seemed to be a lot of them. Tao and Kyungsoo were smiling behind the counter, watching him take the order of a woman and her granddaughter. When he came and gave Tao the order, Kyungsoo had to flick his forehead. 

"You're too good at this." He said. Baekhyun's heart swelled, feeling like this was the first time he had been good at something.

"Maybe I could join you guys then?" Baekhyun replied, cocking his eyebrow in amusement and taking the Caramel Macchiato from Tao. 

It was around three o'clock when Sehun wandered in, scaring the soul out of Baekhyun as he jumped on his back. The taller ones feel were still on the floor.

"You've started working here then?"He giggled and dodged the pen that was being thrown at him.

"Not yet. I was just helping."

"But you still did a better job than Jongdae."

Sehun and Tao snorted with laughter and Baekhyun took the bottle of water away from his mouth. How bad was Jongdae? 

"Baekhyun, you're up!" Tao said.

Baekhyun almost screamed when he saw who it was. Hoejin. He had serve Hoejin. Baekhyun thought Tao would have recognised him. Whilst the boy was looking over the menu, Baekhyun ran back into the kitchen and look at Sehun.

"He's here. Hoejin." 

Sehun had never taken an apron off of someone so fast. He whipped it over his head and put it on himself, taking the pad and pen from Baekhyun. Kyungsoo was a little confused, watching as Sehun went back out instead of Baekhyun, whispering who it was in Kyungsoo's ear. The elder nodded, sitting back down beside Baek.

Minutes later, Sehun dashed in to grab the bag of stirrers from the side, remember he needed to refill the pot.

"Want me to poison his drink?" Sehun asked, but it was no use, as the two on the sofa were fast asleep. After he had taken the drink out, he got Tao to take a picture and send it to the others. Jongin was the first to reply with, 'That's cute', alongside everyone else's emojis. He also sent a picture of Sehun as a barista with Jongdae replying, 'What the hell are you thinking?!'.

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