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Jongin feels sick the moment he gets home, burying himself in his duvet and trying to forget every feeling that was ready to burst out of his chest. Hopefully, no one would leave the rink in search for him, and found him when they got back. For a while now, Jongin liked Kyungsoo, him being his best friend. Jongin fell in love with Baekhyun the moment he saw him sat there, the rain rolling down the window next to his sleeping features. 

Just seeing the two together made him feel giddy inside, like a drug had been dropping in a drink and he'd downed it in seconds. A part of Jongin wanted to protect Baekhyun, knowing his past was awful and a horrible series of memories. Another part of Jongin wanted Kyungsoo to notice him, notice how close he got when watching a film. 

Maybe he just wanted both of them to fall asleep next to him whilst he hums a tune, or maybe he wanted to fall asleep whilst they were singing. Jongin wanted to spend everyday with them down at the coffee shop, and watch as Baekhyun makes friends with their customers and earns laughter whilst Kyungsoo sips at a coffee in the kitchen behind the bar. 

Jongin hauled the duvet closer to his chest and curls into a ball, shuddering as he watches more snow fall.  

Jongin just wanted Baekhyun and Kyungsoo to become his

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