I should tell you about my parents

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"Hello?" Jongin's voice was slightly crackled over the phone.

"Come to the shop now. Baekhyun's been hurt. I've called the others and their on their way."

Luhan ended the call to pass more bandages to Junmyeon as he cleaned the wound on his stomach. 

"Whoever did this had something metal on his hand." Junmyeon said.

Minseok and Yixing were the first one to arrive, together. Yixing had a gentle nature, making him almost as motherly as Junmyeon. He knelt down to stroke Baekhyun's hair, waking him up by accident. His eyes fluttered open, taking a few moments to take in where he was and who was sitting beside him.

"Hello." Yixing hummed, glad to see him awake.

Baekhyun whined out in pain, taking Luhan's hand that was being offered to him. Yifan and Tao burst in, making everyone jump in surprise. Tao was more than relieved to see Baekhun in the safe hands of Junmyeon. Baekhyun now had a purple/black eye and little spots of broken skin and a bandage wrapped around his stomach. 

"Kim Hoejin." Baekhyun mumbled. Luhan looked at him with confusion.

"It was Kim Hoejin." 

"I know him." Tao muttered sadly, "He lives near me. Alone." 

Kai was the last one to appear, almost terrified to walk in. When he did, he smiled as he saw Baekhyun, being helped up by Luhan and Minseok shoving a cookie into his mouth.

"He's never hurt me that bad before, but I guess it was because the hallway was empty."

Jongdae ran up into the room and asked for Junmyeon, saying the coffee shop suddenly got really busy. Baekhyun had never been so glad for so many friends.

"Hey Baek, can you tell us a little bit about you? You don't have to of course, it's just we really wanna know about you." Yifan asks.

"Oh Sure. Well I've lived alone since I was 15, because my parents died in a car crash. Umm. My big brother lives in Korea, where I am originally from. You guys were my first real friends, I think anyway." Baekhyun says, pretty confident for the first time today. 

"I finish college in a few weeks actually. I've always wanted to have a free winter, although my apartment makes everyday winter." He laughs at himself.

"But you agreed to move in with us right?" Tao wonders, sipping on a coffee someone had brought up.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Baekhyun replies. The smile he earns from Kyungsoo warms his heart a little more than any ones elses, alongside everyone else." 

"I guess you should know a little bit about my parents. As I said, they died in a car crash, but before that happened they..." Baekhyun's voice trails away as he struggles a sigh. 

Jongin could feel the uncomfortable aura around him and wrapped a long arm around his waist,

"You don't have to tell us." He says, Chanyeol agrees with a 'yeah'.

"If I don't, you won't know something important. They... abused me..." He fell into a whisper.

The people In this room were the only people in the world to know this about Baekhyun, not even his brother knowing. He trusted them to an extent that he felt he needed to tell them, and, if they were going to live together, they needed to know of his panic attacks.

"I sometimes panic... I don't really know how to deal with them, as I've only even been alone."

"Is that why you have a scar on your hip?" Junmyeon asks carefully from the doorway. 

Baekhyun nods, shivering at the clearly horrible memory.

"A knife." he whispers.

Soon enough, Jongin felt a weight lean against his shoulder as Baekhyun rested his head, making Yifan and Tao smile. Jongdae and Junmyeon showed up, telling the nine that were awake, they had closed up early. As Minseok checked his phone, it chimed as a text came through, from their new landlord of the big apartment.

"Hell yeah!," He whisper yelled, "We can move in from tomorrow onwards."

The group whispered-cheered so they didn't wake up Baekhyun, Sehun shaking his fists in joy like the child he really was. 

"We shouldn't open up tomorrow and move. We have enough cars between us to move some stuff. Maybe we could use your dads van Yifan." Jongin says.

"He said we could  use it for as long as we need, but why so soon?" Yifan replies.

"Baekhyun doesn't have any heating at his, plus my shower's broken." Jongin smiled sweetly, making everyone roll their eyes and agreeing.

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