Where did he go?

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Baekhyun skates round once or twice more before noticing the absence of Jongin's laughter, the boy not standing where he previously was. He skates to the gate, untying and taking off his skates before running into the locker room, only to find no one there. He grabs his black converse, shoving them on before walking into the car park. He takes Chanyeol's keys from the youngers coat, pressing the button once he got outside. 

Chanyeol's car is where he left it, but it was the only red one in the parking area. Baekhyun turns on his heel before sprinting back to the rink.

"Jongin's gone."

"What?" Yifan asks, stunned.

"His cars not here." 

"Should we go back?" Jongdae asks, skating up to the side, the other following beside.

"I don't know why he would leave though? He loves ice skating." Kyungsoo says.

"Do we have enough cars to get up back? We can only use Chanyeol's and mine now." Luhan says.

"We can walk." Tao says, Yifan agreeing quickly. 

"Are you sure?" Baekhyun asks, tying up his shoelace properly whilst Chanyeol and the other de-ice skate.

"Of course. We'll pick up dinner if you want. Chicken?" 

The group agree and walk to the car park together. Luhan takes Baekhyun, Jongdae, Yixing and Junmyeon whilst Chanyeol takes Kyungsoo, Sehun and Minseok. They part ways with Yifan and Tao, Luhan following Chanyeol most of the way back.

Kyungsoo is the first to get into the apartment, running to their room only to find Jongin fast asleep, curled into a ball, tears streaks clear on his face. When Baekhyun arrives, the two share a knowing look. Kyungsoo slides onto the bed, carefully wrapping himself around Jongin whilst Baekhyun sits at the end of the bed, leaning against the wall. They stay that way for a while, waiting for Jongin to make some sort of movement, but he doesn't and the two leave.

But not before finding the note that had fallen on the floor.

I hate falling in love, but I can't help it. I'm sorry  but I really like both of you. K'soo and Baek. 

Baekhyun's never had anyone fall in love with him before. It sends a surge of warmth through his chest and it feels welcome. The same with Kyungsoo. Both boys felt the same about each other and Jongin, but for now, they'd wait until he woke up to make any moves. But Baekhyun doesn't seem to move, but practically collapses against Kyungsoo in a mess of soft sobs that were a struggle to contain.

"I love you... Both of you." He whispers, and Kyungsoo kisses the top of his head, buried in his grey hair. 

"Jongin will be the happiest person in the world to hear that."

Baekhyun clings onto Kyungsoo like a life support, glad the younger was there. Together, they walk through to the living room, where Chanyeol is stumming at a guitar and Jongdae sat at the piano. Baekhyun walks over and leans on the wooden instrument.

"It might not be tuned." He whispers to Chen

"Ah, it sounds alright."

"Hey Baek, how about coming down to the shop tomorrow? You were a much better barista than Chen.


"What? He's telling the truth?" Luhan giggles, someone chucking a pillow at his face. 

"Even Sehun did better than you!" Junmyeon can't help but laugh from the last sofa. With a smile on his face, Jongdae gets up and throws another pillow at him, not getting very far before Sehun almost floors him after a particually hard blow of a cushion.

"You're so dead." Jongdae says calmly, ending with a sickly sweet smile.

"So are your coffee making skills by the sound of it." Tao yells, screaming with laughter when Jongdae tries to chase him.

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