The EXO ensemble

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It was a couple more days until the coffee shop saw the face of Baekhyun again. Luckily, he came in on the day when Jongin was working. It was his shift alongside Yifan, his boyfriend Tao and Kyungsoo.

The four boys were giggled in the back, waiting for the morning customers to arrive. Chanyeol and Minseok were there as well, spending some time in the resting area upstairs. As they held a close friendship with Minseok, Chanyeol, Yixing and Sehun, the actual baristas let them use the upstairs room if they had any work to do and couldn't do it at home. Jongin was relieved when he found out the eleven of their group had decided it would be nice to move in together. Luckily, they had found a large apartment near the college and it's campus, but unfortunately , it had one extra bed. There were four rooms, three people put in each. They had actually sorted out the people they would be rooming with but they really needed one extra person. They considered Jongin's friend Taemin, but he lived with his friends Minho, Key and Jonghyun. 

The bell rang and Yifan was the first to jump up, walking behind the bar to check who it was. Somehow, the appearance Jongin had explained the customer last night fit this boy perfectly. He came to the bar to ask Yifan a question.

"Hi! Is Jongin working today?"

Yifan nodded and quickly turned into the back kitchen, gently flicking the younger on his forehead.

"Someone's asking for you." He said before dropping onto the stool next to Tao to check on the time, as they put the cakes in the oven a few minutes ago. As they run this café, they learnt how to bake cakes and cookies to sell them, so that they were homemade. 

Baekhyun was standing there when Jongin turned the corner, his smile immediately brightening. His hair was ash grey, something he couldn't really tell last night when he was in the car. He was wearing a white shirt and black ripped jeans, a red checkered shirt tied around his thin waist. Jongin wondered if he would be a good dancer.

Near where Chanyeol lived, was a huge dance studio where the eleven of them sometimes went, even if half of them couldn't dance. Jongin though, he was a dancer at heart, having taken ballet lessons when he was younger. Music was another thing he could do for hours, the first being serving people in a coffee shop.

"Hi Baekhyun! How are you?" Jongin asked, leaning over the counter on his elbows, Baekhyun almost copying the action.

"Not to well. My landlord is being an idiot. Anyway, I wanted to thank you again for dropping me off last night." Baekhyun smiled.

"That's fine. What's up with you landlord then?" Asked Jongin, quickly adding if he wanted another hot chocolate, to which that answer was yes.

Filling up the mug, Jongin listened to Baekhyun whilst he spoke about his apartment.

"My heating isn't working and the taps don't heat up but he's not willing to do it because apparently its all new." Baekhyun said before sipping on the tea. 

The shop had around another hour open until people started piling in. They only opened up early so they had time to get the machines working and the cookies baking. Baekhyun was thankful for someone to talk to. 

"Jesus, Baekhyun it's nearly the middle of winter and you don't have heating?" Jongin was a little shocked.

"Its been gone for almost a year." Baekhyun mumbled. 

Yifan and Tao were beginning to stock up the glass cabinet full of cookies and Kyungsoo was stacking the places and mugs underneath the bar as they had dried out overnight. Jongin sighed before an idea came into his head.

"If you want to, I mean after you meet them all, me and my ten friends, I know that's a lot, are moving into an apartment near the college. We actually need one more person, so..." Jongin rambled, making Baekhyun giggle.

"That would be nice. I just need to meet you all first." Baekhyun laughed.

"So, you're in?"

"Yeah, sure!"

Jongin couldn't help but clap his hands like an overexcited child, jumping up to go tell Yifan. Yifan followed him back to Baek's table to sit down too.

"This is Yifan. He's from China." Jongin said as the two shook hands.

Over the course of the day, Baekhyun stayed at the coffee shop, working on an overdue paper that he needed to hand in, also somehow meeting all ten of Jongin's friends at the same time. When night drew in, Jongdae, or Chen as the others called him, suggested they go back to his and order chicken. 

"Baekhyun, you can come in my car." Chanyeol offered, so Baekhyun followed him to his bright red car.

"Yours is the same as Jongins." He said, sliding into the passenger seat.

"We brought it at the same time." Chanyeol laughed.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun made friends really quickly in the car journey to Jongdae's apartment, making jokes and puns the entire time. When Baekhyun shivered at the sudden cold air, Chanyeol shoved a coat over him.

"It's actually Jongin's but I forgot to give it to him."

Baekhyun immediately fell in love with the smell of Jongin's coat, cold with a hint of cinnamon. 

"Shit, we arrived before Jongdae. Um... You like Kpop? I have enough of it on my phone."

"Play Fantasic Baby by BigBang and i'll be your best friend forever."

And that's how the ensemble of Jongin's friends found out Baekhyun like kpop, when they found him and Chanyeol screaming various lyrics to Fantastic Baby.

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