I love you...

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Jongin wakes up with a sick feeling in his stomach that forces him out of the bed. He thankful that he can hear a loud film playing, glad that no ones going to hear him being sick or coughing. He ends up in the bathroom, bringing up everything he had eaten in the day and whimpering at the pang of pain in his stomach. Jongin leans against the side of the porcelain bath sweat beading across his forehead and dripping down. He closes his eyes to try and get rid of his pounding headache. It gets worse and worse until he can't stand it any longer, and passes out against the bath.

Kyungsoo steps into the bedroom to check on Jongin, only to find that no ones in the bed. When he walks into bathroom, he ends up yelling for anyone.

Yifan and Tao find him knelt next to Jongin, shaking him gently in an attempt to wake him up. The oldest of the four gently presses his hands against Jongin's forehead, mumbling that he was a normal temperature. Tao picks him up, gasping at how light he is and how Jongin falls against his shoulder limply. Baekhyun is in the bedroom when they bring Jongin in, sorting out the duvet so its easier for Tao to lie him down. 

Jongin groans when Tao leaves him, the younger weakly trying to hold onto him.

"I'll stay here." Baekhyun whispers, taking Jongin's hands, "Just bring my phone."

Kyungsoo bends down to kiss Baekhyun's forehead, as the elder was sat on the floor next to Jongin's bed. Once Baekhyun has his phone, he plays a game that slightly frustrates him but he enjoys it nonetheless. Its a quiet process, but soon enough, Jongin wakes up again, pulling on Baekhyun's hoodie.

"Hey, do you fell better?" He whispers, pushing away some stray strands of the youngers hair and comforting him. 

Jongin nuzzles into his hands, quickly pulling away to cough harshly, then attempting to talk with a wreaked throat. Baekhyun sits him up, letting him lean weakly against him as he tips a little water into his mouth, patiently waiting for him to swallow. 

"Can... you sleep with me." Jongin asks.

"Of course. I'll stay here." 

Baekhyun doesn't mind when Jongin pushes his face into the joint of his chest and neck, breathing slowly as sleep begins to roll in. Baekhyun reached up, turning off the light and plunging the room into darkness. 

"I love you Jonginne." baekhyun whispers and hears a 'i love you too' before they both fall asleep, legs tangled and hearts as one.

Everyone says goodnight to each other, Minseok having to carry Jongdae as he fell asleep on the floor again, like every singe time they had a night in. 

Kyungsoo is the last one to leave, flicking off the hallway and living room lights. He finds Baekhyun and Kai fast asleep, leaning over both to give them a kiss. Baekhyun stirs a little, opening his eyes to find Kyungsoo. The elder smiles and pulls him down, as the bed would probably have enough room for all three of them if they squished together. Kyungsoo strips quickly, taking a large tshirt that must be Jongin's and slides it over his head, letting it pool around his thighs. He slides into the bed next to the two, Baekhyun now sandwiched in the middle. Kyungsoo rests his arm over Baekhyun's hip slowly falling asleep himself. 

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