Moving Day

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Once again, Baekhyun woke up in a burrito of blankets on Jongin's sofa. He was actually woken up by Jongin leaning over the back of the sofa, tickling his one exposed arm. 

"Pancakes?" He asked.

"Pancakes." Baekhyun mumbled, smiling gently up at the younger who suddenly disappeared into the conjoined kitchen to make some pancakes. Baekhyun internally groaned when he realised he forgot to bring extra clothes, and that he was still in his slightly blood stained school shirt. 

"Uhh. Jongin? Do you have any clothes I could borrow?" He said, poking his head out from the sofa's back, just peeking over the top. 

"None of mine will fit you. But I think I have some of Kyungsoo's somewhere, and Chanyeol's. And possibly Minseok's. I think I have something of everyone's." He rambled, making the elder laugh. 

"Come on, I can show you my bedroom and find some of someones clothes. These pancakes need to cool before anyway."

Following Jongin, they entered a decently sized bedroom with a double bed and a deck. Opening the top drawer of his wardrobe, he smiled as he found a jumper of Kyungsoo's and some jeans that Minseok used to wear. Jongin had to hide his rising blush when he noticed how beautiful Baekhyun was in jeans and a slightly oversized pale pink jumper. He looked really, really good like that.

Jongin had to cough to stop himself staring, but that attracted Baekhyun closer, as he sat on the counter by the side. There wasn't really room for a dining table, so Jongin usually used the coffee table. 

"Yifan is coming to pick us up and we are going to get your house all packed up today." Jongin said as he shovelled some pancake into his mouth.

"You say that as if I have many belongings. I really don't have much." Baekhyun said.

"Well, I think you, me and Kyungsoo are sharing a room.  At least, I think that's what we said."

"That's cool with me!" Baekhyun hummed in a quick reply before placing the plate in the sink and going to grab their coats. That was until he remembered he didn't actually bring one. Just as he was going to say, a scarf was shoved over his head and something placed over his shoulders.

"It's winter. You need a coat." Was all Jongin said before they ran down to the main road where Yifan was waiting in his dad's transit van.

There was three seats so Baekhyun offered to sit in the middle, probably being the smallest of all three of them. The back of the van was full of folded boxes that he was ready to use for packing. 

"We should take all the plates from everyone's houses and sell them." Jongin though aloud, making the other two hum in agreement. 

"Here!" Baekhyun said as they stopped outside the apartment. Taking various sizes of boxes in, Yifan offered to pack up the kitchen whilst Jongin and Baekhyun went to the bedroom.

Baekhyun's room was small, a bed tucked into the corner with red flowers bedsheets. His walls were a pale brown colour that he hated, a few pictures hanging up. None of his family. There was an old oak piano in the opposite corner.

"Do you want to take this?" Jongin asked as his slim fingers glided across the oak wood of the piano.

Baekhyun paused, looking back at the instrument.

"Can anyone else play? It's just... I don't want it to be waste of space." He whispered.

"Yixing and Chanyeol can. It would look quite nice in the living room." Jongin smiled, warming Baekhyun's heart. Together, they began folded the clothing in his clothes. Jongin noted how he liked most of Baekhyun's fashion choices, despite how little clothing he had. He picked up a scarf, that seemed to be covered in blood.

"Baekhyun? Is this supposed to be like this or..?" 

Turning, Baekhyun once again faced Jongin. His mouth fell and closed various times, clearly unsure of what to say. It was the scarf he had used to cover up his hip for so many weeks as it bled from the knife wound his mother gave him. Because there were no bandages in the house, it was the only thing he could use.

"It was supposed to be white. Jongin, I don't know what to do with it. I had to use it as a bandage." 

Jongin dropped it onto the bed and took Baekhyun in his arms, pulling him closer to his chest. Baekhyun's fingers curled against the youngers chest, the beating of his heart calming him. When they both let go, Jongin took the scarf into the bathroom, soaking it in the sink for a while. They finished up on his clothes ended up shoving the duvet and pillows violently into a box, as they wouldn't fold and stay still. 

Every trinket and picture that passed through Baekhyun's hand was dusty and needed a throrough washing once they moved in. His fingers were shaking as he took a small snow globe off of the shelf above his bed. He tried to shift his weight back to place it in a box but he struggled and dropped the glass object. It bounced of the bed and onto the wood flooring where it shattered with a loud noise. He had never flinched so violently in the time his parents had been gone. 

Jongin noticed the way his breathing became heavy and he opened his arms, letting Baekhyun fall into them. 

The panic rose in Baekhyun's chest as Jongin carried him into the hallway. Now, his breathing was more erratic than before. It took no time for Baekhyun to fall into a serious panic attack. It hurt to gasp for breath and sobs ripped through his throat. Black spots appeared in his view he was beginning to fade in and out of consciousness. The last thing he saw was the worried face of both Jongin and Kyungsoo. Where Kyungsoo came from, they didn't know. 

Kyungsoo had been called by Yifan, who had ran up the stairs to check on them to find an scared Jongin trying to calm Baekhyun, which was failing. So, he called Kyungsoo who came too late to calm them down. 

Kyungsoo and Jongin had continued to pack up the elders bedroom whilst Yifan did the living room, keeping an eye on Baekhyun in the process. The Chinese man had also helped Baekhyun write and send the email to his landlord, saying he was moving. They were all sure that Baekhyun would be happy to leave, as the apartment was still the one his parents lived in when they were alive. 

"That's all from upstairs." Kyungsoo said as he put the finally box down, next to the few with Baekhyun's book and DVD collection. The last thing Jongin and Yifan did was carry the piano downstairs and into the van. Kyungsoo offered to take Baekhyun in his car.

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