Scrap Campus

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Kyungsoo woke up to Baekhyun curled up against his chest and Jongin leaning over them, sweeping a stray piece of Kyungsoo's red hair out of his eyes. 

"Baekhyun's not going to campus. We're pretty much snowed in." Jongin whispers.

Kyungsoo carefully peels himself from the bed, leaving Baekhyun tucked in. They both ran onto the balcony, smiling at the sight of the winter wonderland. Jongin stifled a scream as Kyungsoo shoved snow down his shirt, dodging back into the warmth of the bedroom before the younger got his revenge. Jongin giggled before going back in as well. 

"Wait. Why was Baekhyun with you this morning?" Jongin asked before putting on an oversized jumper to keep himself warm.

"I think he had a nightmare." Kyungsoo mumbled, glancing back at Baekhyun. 

There was a gentle knock on the door, and Yifan's head appeared through the crack, Tao peering over his shoulder.

"Um, if everyones okay, me and Tao wanted to go ice skating with everyone." Yifan said.

Jongin let out a small 'Woo!' and it was agreed that everyone wanted to join in.

Around an hour later, everyone was piled into three cars, using Jongin's, Chanyeol's and Luhan's cars. It turned out that Chanyeol couldn't ice skate and was the clumsiest person alive on ice. Baekhyun had convinced them he couldn't as well, but that went out the window the moment Jongdae challenged him to a race. Luhan could do a few tricks on ice, mainly a triple toe loop that failed half the time and Jongin stayed glued to Junmyeon, who was barely standing himself. 

Baekhyun and Luhan were still racing, thankful no body else was around them. They were both giggling hysterically at Chanyeol. Yifan wasn't even on the ice, saying he would dare, as he would probably kill someone. 

"You were the one who suggested this!" Jongin yelled across the rink.

"It was Tao." Yifan replied, Tao quickly skating away to avoid getting swatted by Yifan. 

"May I join you?" Kyungsoo asked quietly.

Baekhyun's smile almost immediately melts his heart and he coughed, attempting to cover up his intense blush. Whilst holding hands, the two skating round, often getting passed by Jongdae or Jongin, who would hit Kyungsoo on the back of the head.

"Oh god, don't fall." 

Baekhyun was still holding on, but skating backwards, now facing Kyungsoo who held a terrified expression. Minseok passed them yelling something unintelligible. Suddenly, Kyungsoo yelped and flailed. His ice skates had slipped from under him, and Baekhyun had to pull him closer to stop him from falling.

"I thought you didn't want me to fall."

"Shut up."

Jongin watched as Kyungsoo and Baekhyun messed about, pulling away from a hug to push as each other. He smiled lovingly at the thought of joining them, only to have a horrific realisation.

He was in love with his two best friends. 

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