The real nightmare

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The others came back at six o'clock, carrying bags full of food to stock the cupboards that had been left empty. They found Chanyeol on the sofa against the wall, Baekhyun's head in his lap whilst he leaned over, using a damp towel to dab away at the scar, careful not to hurt him. Chanyeol had waited until the elder fell into a sleeping state to clean the wound and put the waterproof plaster on it. That way, Baekhyun could shower and get the red out of his hair without the plaster getting aggravated by the water.

Jongin was the first to see, placing everything on the table before running to Chanyeol's side.

"What happened?"

"I think he was scratching it, opened it and got it in his hair." Chanyeol whispered, still dabbing the wound.

It didn't look too bad, but it sure looked painful. In his sleeping state, Baekhyun whimpered and tried to roll over, Jongin holding him still gently so he didn't.

"Kyungsoo, do you know how to make soup?" Chanyeol said without really thinking, mind mostly focused on making sure Baekhyun was okay.

Ever since they met Baekhyun, the entire group wanted to protect him, the boy small and weaker than they were. It was almost clear his personality was like it was after they learnt of his parents abusive ways and their death, him being quiet and shy. Despite this, he made friends quicker than anyone had ever seen. It was like they had known him for ten years.

Chanyeol had to tell the others that he was walking Baekhyun to the campus tomorrow, making sure nothing happened to him. When Baekhyun finally woke up, Jongin was the one to greet him. Smiling down at the elder as he squeezed his hand tight.

"You have long enough nails to paint." Jongin mumbled absentmindedly.

"You think I haven't done that?"

Jongin's smile grew bigger as he gently swatted at Baekhyun's arm. Baekhyun tried to sit up, failing as the pain spiked in his hip, leaning further into Jongin, who had wrapped his arms around him to try and help. Once they had both gotten Baekhyun up, Kyungsoo skipped in from the kitchen, hands carrying a tray with a bowl of soup and some bread. Jongin had literally run past to go grab himself a bowl before Chanyeol found them and inhaled at them. Jongdae and Tao had done the same. 

"You can definitely cook Kyungsoo." Baekhyun said, glad that it tasted nice.

"Thanks." He smiled, blushing a little at the compliment. Soon after, once they had finished eating, Baekhyun fell asleep once more, mostly leaning on Jongin, who stayed completely still until Yifan offered to carry him to bed.

Yifan couldn't help but smile before leaving the room, Baekhyun now being curled up in his duvet, like a mini burrito. 

-Baekhyun's Dream-

The ceiling was white, squares that fit perfecting together like a jigsaw puzzle. When Baekhyun finally got up, he looked across the room. A sofa was pressed against the wall underneath the window, lots of machinery beeping from beside him. It looked like hospital equipment when Baekhyun looked at it properly. Why was Baekhyun in hospital? And why wasn't anything attached to him?

He sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, getting up and leaving the room. To his surprise, no nurses or doctors filled up the hallways, just lots of... clipboards.

When Baekhyun read over the writing that had been scrawled on the paper attached.

Run. Baekhyun. Run far away. No one lives in this world except you.

-End of Dream-

Kyungsoo was woken up by rustling and someone gently shaking his shoulder. He rolled over to find baekhyun, who's eyes were bloodshot and tears streaming down his cheeks. Kyungsoo immediately shuffled up, letting the elder curl up against him. Just knowing the past Baekhyun had had, he knew the elder would love skinship. 

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