First Night - Nightmares

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Jongin had dived onto the sofa the minute they entered the apartment that was still full of boxes, Yifan and Chanyeol soon diving on top of him. Jongin had to push them off before they both crushed his lungs. 

"Should we have a routine of who cooks?"

"If you let Yifan near my kitchen, you will die." Kyungsoo said, obviously joking but the mean demeanour hung their. 

Kyungsoo and Chanyeol were placing different cups and plates into various cups, making sure they had enough for twelve people and a crap ton more. Chanyeol was considering counting the days until someone broke one. Which was about two minutes because Kyungsoo picked up two by accident, the top on falling off and shattering to the floor. Remembering what he had been told happened in Baekhyun's flat, Junmyeon was quick to take Baekhyun by the shoulder and a walk him into the nearest bedroom.

"Let's make the beds. You know how to right?"

"How many copies of Titanic do we need?" Tao groaned as he picked up the third one, placing it by his side with the other two. Surrounding him were the groups collection of Dvds and Cds, which proved to be about one thousand. Tao was placing Dvds onto the shelves by the TV that was Luhan's. Sehun had passed out in the window seat, not exactly sure how as they were all yelling. Thankfully, they were the only ones on this floor of the apartment block. 

"We only have space for half of these films." Jongdae chided in, shoving another copy of Titanic into Tao's hands. 

"I'm going to go insane. Does everyone own Titanic?!" Tao yelled out, chucking the copy into the air. 

"Well now we have one less because that ones broken." Yifan smiles.

Baekhyun managed to finished Jongdae's bed without messing it up, Junmyeon doing the other two in the time it took him to do one. Minseok and Luhan would also be in this room. Moving to Yixing's, Chanyeol's and Sehun's room, Junmyeon said that Baekhyun could do his own room if he wanted, along with Kyungsoo's and Jongin's.

Baekhyun sighed as he entered the room, looking out across the view of the sea. The city they lived in was known for it's fishing. The coffee shop was just a stones throw from the beach and was quite popular. Their bedroom had a large windows that went from ceiling to floor, curtains on either side that Minseok had put up earlier in the day. The water was blue, like the clear sky that was void of clouds and birds that was stretched until it met the horizon. A few boats were dotted along said horizon, either fishing or transport. Baekhyun was excited to wake up the next morning to see this, but wasn't exactly excited about sleeping. Baekhyun was prone to nightmares, and was thankful he didn't have any at Jongin's house. 

He wondered about asking the others if any of them had nightmares, but that might give away the secret. Baekhyun would had to deal with this on his own. He changed Kyungsoo's sheets first, smiling at the obvious scent of strawberries and cream that he noticed when they fell asleep earlier. The sheets were a shade of blue with white stars, like a childs bed. He smiled, recognising them as something he had as a child himself. But then he shivered at what else he remembered from his sick childhood. Moving to Jongin's bed, he found the scent of cinnamon and cocoa, the opposite of Kyungsoo. 

After finished both Jongin's and his own, he collapsed onto the bed, bouncing back as the springs in the mattress did their job. In the midst of his subconscious state, he began to scratch as his hip scar, fingernails digging into the tender flesh that soon drew blood as he thought. He didn't notice the numb pain that was there. He only noticed when he drew his hand back up to run through his hair, and got blood in it. Running into the living room, Baekhyun panicked and grabbed the first person there was. Chanyeol.

The others had gone to the shops.

As Chanyeol turned, he found Baekhyun with a hip scar dripping blood and the same substance quickly staining his ash grey hair. 

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