Should we stay up all night?

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Somehow, all twelve of them were sat on the floor, various conversations going on between various people. When the door knocked, Kyungsoo was the one to grab it. Even though he had only met all of them today, Baekhyun felt like he knew them already. The night mostly consisted of dance battles, where they found out that Baekhyun was another person who could dance perfectly. It also consisded of Baekhyun and Kyungsoo singing various songs that they knew in Korean.  They devoured the chicken and pizza, groaning when they felt sick, which was mainly Sehun. When it reached eleven o'clock, Baekhyun suddenly yelled out.

"I've got to go to college tomorrow." 

"What's up with that?" Jongdae asked, Minseok leaning on him.

"I haven't finished my paper." Baekhyun mumbled, head falling back onto the seating of the sofa where Tao and Sehun were sat.

"What's you major?" Jongin quickly asked, wondering if they could maybe help him.

"English Lit." 

"I DID THAT!" Junmyeon yells, quickly adding for Baekhyun to grab his laptop.

So, from eleven o'clock to two in the morning, the twelve of them, together, made the best paper Baekhyun had ever produced.

"Stay and mine tonight. It's closer to the campus and it's warm." Jongin suggests when Baekhyun slides into the car, bidding goodbye to Luhan in the process.

"As long as your sure." Baekhyun said, taking the blanket that was being shoved into his lap.

"It's about half an hour away. I don't mind if you fall asleep."

True to his word, Jongin didn't mind having to carry Baekhyun into the apartment, setting him down on the beige sofa and splaying a few blankets over the top of him. Jongin had never been so thankful that his home had heating. Just watching Baekhyun sigh and curl into the warm was enough to make him smile and go to bed feeling just a little more content. 

Jongin didn't know much about Baekhyun at all, except that he was born in March, was turning 19  this year, and was doing English Lit.  Jongin was 17, alongside Sehun, who was a little younger. Chanyeol, Kyungsoo., Jongdae and Tao were 18. Yixing was the same age as Baekhyun at 19. Yifan and Junmyeon were 20 and Minseok and Luhan were 21. He was excited to know a little bit more about Baekhyun, so was going to ask him to stay another night, just so they could learn about each other. 

Morning came round quickly, Baekhyun getting awoken by the rays of sunlight through the wide windows that were covered mostly by curtains. Checking the time, Baekhyun had around twenty minutes to get to his class in time to hand in his paper. 

After getting changed, Baekhyun wrote a small note, thanking Jongin and saying that he would see him at the café as some point. Taking Jongin's keys, he locked the apartment door and shoved them through the letter box before making his way down to the main road and along to the campus. Jongin woke up to an empty living room. He quickly read the note and smiled, also frowning at the same time. Jongin wasn't working until Monday, and it was Saturday. Yes, Saturday. Baekhyun had to go to the colledge at a weekend just to hand in a paper and allow the teacher to read it. 

"Hey! Byun!" 

Baekhyun froze in the middle of the hallway. He wasn't expecting anyone to be here on a Saturday. He had just got the paper back, which was delicately shoved into his laptop bag. Hopefully, the teacher would grade it and email him back. 

"Where are you going."

Dammit. It was him. 

Kim Hoejin. He hated Baekhyun, for no reason at all other than he was smarter than him and in the same English class. Baekhyun didn't even wince or gasp when he was shoved roughly into the lockers. No words were spoken between them, just a punch in the face and in the gut.  Baekhyun had done nothing wrong to Hoejin, but it just happened to be this way. It turned out a few weeks ago that their fathers didn't like each other. But Baekhyun parents....

Nothing Hoejin had done to Baekhyun had hurt like this before, making him collapse to the floor against the lockers. Checking on his stomach, Baekhyun winced at the sight of blood. Hoejin must've been wearing something on his hands, as he broke the skin in various places. Suddenly, he realised he couldn't clean these wounds by himself, and that there was no one else around. He didn't even have anyone phone number, except his brother, who lived over in Korea. 

The café. 

Baekhyun had to get to the café. 

Outside the campus was a bus stop, that ran to outside the post office, just a minute away from the coffee shop. He used his jumper to wrap around his stomach, hiding the blood that had seeped through the pale blue shirt. Getting on the bus, he stayed at the very front, making sure there really wasn't too much walking to be done. 

Luhan, Jongdae and Junmyeon were to ones working today. The coffee shop had a few people in when the door opened. Luhan instinctively turned his head to look at the customer who just entered. 

There stood Baekhyun, quickly drying blood on his cheek, mixing with the tears running from his eyes. Baekhyun had never been so glad that this café existed.  Luhan ran from behind the bar, reaching out to take Baekhyun shoulders.

"What the hell happened Baek?" He asked. 

"Nothing." Baekhyun whispered, voice cracking near the end of the word. 

"I don't believe you." Luhan insisted.

"Just some bully. Our fathers were enemies." 

Luhan took his hand, leading him behind the bar. Jongdae gasped and ran over, gently hugging Baekhyun in an attempt to cease the tears. After letting go, Luhan told the younger than he needed to tend to the café for a while before taking Baekhyun upstairs. They got halfway before Baekhyun sobbed out, the pain growing steadily in his stomach where the walking hurt. Luhan yelled for Junmyeon, who ran down, motherly instincts kicking in immediately.

"Baekhyun! Do you want me to carry you?" He asked, not actually sure whether he could or not. 

Baekhyun nodded and Junmyeon picked him up, bridal style, and got him up the rest of the stairs. Before they could even ask, Baekhyun passed out on the sofa they led him on, the pain taking over. 

"I'm going to murder whoever did this." Whispered Luhan.

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