Chapter 3

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(Katy's POV )

"I'm sorry Katy I'm sorry " Carla said crying

"It's ok sweetie I'm not going to hurt you " i said laying next to her "tell me about your parents "

"W..why" she asked

"Because I want to know " I said pulling Carla closer to me

"I don't remember " she said , I know she lying she just got to the orphanage a few weeks before I got her .

"Did they hurt you ?" I asked , she didn't answer which meant yes "how did they hurt you ?"

"They didn't leave me alone stop asking questions "she said crying harder

"It's ok , you can tell me "I said playing with her hair

"No"she mumbled and got up

"Wait where are you going ?"i asked

"Away from you and your questions" she said opening my door . I got up and followed her to the back porch , she's just sitting on the floor , I can hear her crying .

"Hey you ok?" I asked sitting next to her

"Yes" she said scooting away from me

"Well I'm having two friends over to meet you " I said getting up .

(Carla's POV )

Why does she have to have friends , not everyone needs friends do they ? . Are her friends girls or boys ? . I got up and walked to the room Katy said was mine , My bag was in there so I walked in and closed the door and walked to the bed , I pulled out a pencil and some paper , I love to draw my teachers say I'm good at it but my parents didn't like it . I colored the whole paper black with a sharpie then got a white charcoal and drew fire on the bottom an people standing over it staring out .

"Can I come in ?" I heard Katy ask even though she was already in

"I guess" I said quickly hiding my paper

"What was that ?" she asked smiling

"Nothing " I said putting it in my bag and sipping it up

"Well my friends are here and anxious to see you "Katy said grabbing my hand

"Why do you have to bring friends ?" I asked

"Because they all want to meet you " She said leading me to them .

"Hi I'm Shannon " Shannon said about to pick me up but I stepped back

"And I'm Bonnie " Bonnie said putting her hand out

"I'm Carla " I said as Katy reached down and picked me up .

"Did you guys want to do something ?" Katy asks

"Ya sure " Bonnie said both just staring at me

"Want to go to the beach ?" Shannon asks

"Sure let me just get our stuff " Katy said walking up stairs with me .

"Katy I don't have swim clothes "I said feeling embarrassed

"It's ok sweetie you can wear one of my shirt , it'll be big on you but it will be fine "she said smiling she helped me put it on and carried me down stairs , Shannon and Bonnie were waiting on the couch

"You guys ready ?" asked Shannon

"Ya " Katy said as someone's phone began to ring .

"Hello ...ya ....ok I'll be there in five " it was Bonnie's "i got to go I'm sorry maybe we can do it another time "

"Ok " Katy said putting me on the floor

"Bye guys " Bonnie said as she left

"Bye"Katy and Shannon said at the same time

"Well I'm free did you still want to go to the beach ?" Shannon asked

"Ya sure " Katy said grabbing her keys

"I'm hungry" I said pulling on Katy's shirt

"Ok well we will get something then eat at the beach " Katy said picking me up and walking out side "don't forget to lock the door Shan "

"I know I know " Shannon said as Katy put me in the back seat then walked around and got in the drivers seat and started the car .

"So where do you guys want to eat ?" Katy asked

"I don't care " Shannon said as we left

"Well how about Taco Bell ?" Katy asked

"Ok "Shannon said . I looked out the window and saw trees there beautiful I just love nature .

"Katy , at the beach won't people crowd you and it won't be fun ?" I asked

"O'well usually but this us a beach that nobody knows about so it won't be bad maybe just like one or two people there " Katy said as we pulled up the Taco Bell drive threw .

"Sweet,e you want a taco ?" Shannon asked Katy ordered her own food

"Yes please " I said looking out the window at a little bird .

"Katy I just want two tacos " Shannon said

I wonder how it would feel to be a little bird , to be able to fly . well that could be ever happen ever .

"Here " Katy said handing me my drink , a small coke

"Thanks" I said taking it and putting it on the cup holder .

"Katy my head hurts " I said I head throbbing

"It's probably because your hot " Katy said rolling my window down . we got to the beach and like Katy said nobody was here . I opened my door and grabbed my drink . and started running to the water

"Wait for us " Katy said as she got a blanket out of her car

"When did you out that there ?" I asked

"Well I always have a blanket in my car " Katy said giggling as she walked to me and grabbed my hand

"Let's sit here " Shannon said

"Ok Carla help me lay the blanket down " Katy said , I out my drink on the floor and help Katy .

"Ok hold my drink "Shannon said handing her drink to Katy as she putt the food on the floor and sat down , I sat down next to Katy and got my taco and ate it as fast as I could .

"I'm going to the water " u said standing up and running

"Wait " Katy said

"What ?" I said waking back to Katy

"Let me out some sunblock on you " she said squeezing sunblock on her hand . she rubbed it on my arms and legs then put some on my face . I ran to the water and sat on the sand and played with the mud "we are going to get something from the car we'll be right back "

"Ok" I yelled back . I saw some dolphins on the other side so I got up and ran I over there and I climbed over some rocks and down the over side and they looked so close I could just touch them . after they disappeared u walked along the shore line , and walked and walked .

(Katy's POV )

We've been looking for Carla for an hour . where did she to it's not that big of a beach .

"Let's go cop the police " Shannon said pulling me to the car "My friends daughter disappeared " I heard Shannon say . I got in the car and closed the door and grabbed my phone .

"Hey the police are on their way , it will be ok " Shannon said grabbing my hand .

(Carla's POV )

I'm not sure where I am , I walked to a store to get a snack but now I can't find my way back . it's getting dark and I'm out here alone . "Katy I'm scared where are you ?" I whispered to myself feeling scared ,lost . I can't even find the beach i didn't even go that far away from it .

"Hey little girl are you lost ?" I heard a guy call from behind me , I ran and ran felt like for hours but I didn't see him anymore .

"Katy where are you ?" .

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