Chapter 32

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(Carla's POV)

We arrived at Katy house. it's been two weeks and I haven't talked to Katy. I tell myself to be strong but I'm not sure I can. I'm not sure I can survive but I know I have to try.

My heart literally feels like it's torn, like it's in a million pieces and keeps getting run over by a car. I feel like I'm in a deep dark hole, like I'm in a storm and the sun is never coming out again.

I have to go to school in two days and I know I'm gunna get teased as everything else. I hate school. I wish I was still in a coma. I wish I was dead.

I put my music in 'fire burning'. music makes me feel a little happy but not fully. I would probably did if I didn't have music in my left because music is my I inspiration, my hope, my reason to breathe. I closed my eyes as I laid in my bed listening to my music.

"Somebody call 911 shawty's fire burning on the dance" I sang till I felt a hand on my leg. I opens my eyes to see Katy smiling widely.

"Hey baby" Katy said. I left on earphone in and continued listening to music.

"What do you want?" I asked making her smile fade

"I want you" she said tearing up

"You lost me two weeks ago" I said. the song changed to 'mirrors'.

"Baby I need give me happiness" she said trying to hold the tears

"I'm sorry you lost something that you probably didn't care about anyway" I said getting up off my bed

"I couldn't have lost you over that......remember family forgives" Katy said letting the tears fall

"Remember we aren't family" I said leaving the room. she let out a loud sob.

I went to the park and laid in the grass looking up at the sky. I had a turtle neck shirt on so nobody could see my scar. I had my music blasting as I laid there. I felt a kick in my side and opened my eyes. Tracy was standing above me looking down. I shot up and ran.

"Wait" she yelled but I kept running. I ran back to Katy's and closed the front door. I slid against the door to the floor. why did I have to see her. today I seen two people who wish I didn't exists Katy and Tracy. I held my knees to my chest and cried into them. I stopped 'cause I felt a presence around me. I looked up to see Katy, still crying standing in front of me.

"Go away I was here first" I said wiping my eyes

"This is my house too" she sat next to me

"Please just leave me alone" I begged

"Why are you crying?" she asked

"Because I seen the two people in the world that hate me and I hate" I said getting up

"Who?" she asked curiously

"You and Tracy" I said walking into the kitchen. I got some tea and went back up to my room. on bye way up the stairs I seen Katy laying on the couch with her phone to her ear crying. I went into my room and laid on my bed slowly drifting off to sleep.

I woke up because someone was touching me. I seen Katy lifting my pants up looking at my cuts. they were scars and almost gone,sorta.

"What are you doing?" I asked quickly pulling my pants back over my legs.

"Just making sure your not doing it again" Katy said sitting on my bed.

"So what if I am?" I asked leaning against the headboard

"Then I would try to help you" she said looking at me

"You don't help me you just make me worse" I mumbled hoping she wouldn't hear. luckily she didn't.

"Umm I just came up to tell you to pack a small bag for over night" she said running her fingers threw her hair

"Why? where are we going?" I asked

"To Shannon's" Katy said then left my room. I got up and packed some pajama pants with a tank top. I got a black dress with leggings for tomorrow. I packed all my needed things and then got teardrop on a leash.

"Baby you ready?" Katy asked

"Ya" I said getting my phone and putting 'Clarity' on as I followed Katy down the stairs. she locked the door and went to the car where me and teardrop were. Katy brought monkey and kitty.

We arrived at Shannon's. I got down and teardrop followed me to the door. Katy had to put kitty and monkey in a cage. she got to me with her cats and her bag barely being able to carry them. I rang the doorbell only a few seconds later Shannon opened the door.

"Hey girl" she said hugging Katy. they walked in and I followed. Carrie was sitting on the couch watching TV

"Oh you guys can sleep in the guest room" Shannon said happily "I don't get many visitors"

"Ok well be back" Katy said leading the way down the hall then to the right. the room was as big as Katy's guest room with a queen sized bed, bathroom, closet and a dresser along with a desk.

"We don't need to unpack were just going to be here overnight and then leave sometime tomorrow" Katy said putting her bag on the floor. she let her cats out but closed the door. I let teardrop go also.

"I'll sleep on the couch" I said reopening the door. she came and closed it as fast as I opened it.

"No you'll sleep with me" she said picking me up

"I don't wanna" I complained

"I don't really care" she said taking me to the kitchen. she got some chips and two root beers.

"You didn't even ask if you could get anything you just got into her fridge" I said as we walked into the living room

"Well she's like a sister so I can" Katy said sitting on the couch with me on her lap.

I actually felt comfortable and safe here with Katy but I couldn't forgive her I just couldn't. Shannon put on a movie and I stayed on Katy's lap. she let me have a drink of her root beer. I leaned my head against Katy's shoulder and fell asleep.


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