Chapter 12

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(Carla's POV)

Why did she have to see why couldn't she just look at my face why did she have to look at my stupid legs. Katy hasn't even said anything she's just staring at me.

"I'm going to shut the light off now and go to bed" I said as I clicked the light off.i could feel Katy looking at me and crying, making me feel awkward.

I woke up and I'm sweaty it's really hot. I pulled the blankets off and got up.i looked back at the bed but Katy wasn't there. I walked to the bathroom and I heard Katy talking, the door was closed. I pressed my ear up to the door.

"I know... no I had no idea... ok I'll try... thanks bye" Katy sounded like she was crying while on the phone which means she was probably talking to Shannon.

I decided just tog. I for a walk, I dressed and grabbed my phone and left. I walked to the stairs. I don't want to take the elevator. I walked out to the lobby. I put my earphones in and continued to walk. I don't think I should go to far because I'm only seven.

(Katy's POV)

I don't know what to do. I know I was awful when I first adopted Carla but I tried to be better I did but now she does that now what? what do I do? I love her and I know I've been spending a lot of time with Carrie but she needs it she was kidnaped. how was I supposed to spend time with Carla when she never leaves her room and now I know why. why did I make her feel that way? Maybe it was a mistake adopting Carrie I shouldn't have listened to Shannon. I pulled my phone out and called Shannon.

"Hello" she answered.

"Hey I'm going to need you to take Carrie for a wile so I can did Carla and I don't want to at all but I'm not sure I should have adopted Carrie" I said crying.

"Ok well I can take her if you want It was my fault you adopted her" she whispered

"I do want her back eventually but for now I need to focus on Carla, all this happened and I had no idea and I don't even know how long this has been going on and I need to fix it, it was my fault for not giving her attention" I said trying to stop myself from crying.

"It's not your fault Carrie need constant attention the doctor said so she needs it to get over what happened. and we both knew Carla was depressed we just didn't know this and it's not your fault just remember that" Shannon said, I could hear Carrie in the background laughing.

"Well I still think it's my fault, thanks for keeping Carrie for me but I do want her back after Carla stops and gets better, bye" I said then hung up. I opened the bathroom door and Carla was nowhere at all. I called her.

"Hello" she answered thank god

"Hey where are you?" I asked

"Taking a walk" she said

"Well can you please come back up here"i said

"Ok bye" she hung up.

(Carla's POV)

I don't really want to go back up, I know Katy will want to talk about my self harming but I don't want to tap about it. I want to go home, I want it how it was before, Katy with Carrie and me in my room but no Katy wanted to bond, yuck. I got to the room and knocked.

"Hey why did you leave without me?" Katy asked opening the door. teardrop barked.

"Hey girl" I pet her "because I was bored" I continued

"That doesn't mean you leave without telling me" she said sitting on the bed.

"Sorry" I said sitting next to her.

"Well Shannon is keeping Carrie for a wile so we are going to go home now" Katy said fake smiling

"Ok let's go" I said returning the fake smile. I picked up teardrop and Katy grabbed her purse and pj's. We walked out and t the elevator. I pushed the buttons, well I pushed all the buttons.

"Hey now we have to stop on all the floors" Katy wined

"Wow, one floor big deal" I said as the door opened. we walked out and I to the paparazzi. we pushed through to the car, I got in and put teardrop in the back then buckled. I'm surprised Katy hasn't said anything about my self harm.

"Are you hungry?" she asks

"Ya I little" I said looking at Katy.

"Ok well did you want mcdonalds or Taco Bell?" she asked

"I don't care you choose" I said

"Well then Taco Bell it is" she said giggling

"Why aren't you saying anything?" I hope she gets what I talking about.

"I am I'm actually saying more then you" she said giggling

"No I mean about my cutting, your just acting like nothing happened" I said. I'm starting to get addicted to pain. I want to get Katy mad so she will leave me alone when we get home. but I don't want to get her to mad.

"I don't want to, I don't want to see them or even think of them so don't talk about it" Katy said

"Why?" I asked

"I just don't so stop talking about it we can talk later" Katy said

"Are you ashamed of me?" I asked, I don't know why I asked because I know she is I just wanted to hear it from her.

"No of course not why would you think that?" she asked shocked sorta.

"Please just stop lying to me I already know you are your also a bad liar" I said

"I'm not I'm seriously not ashamed of you actually I'm very proud to have you as my daughter" Katy said smiling

"I'm not your daughter and your such a freaking liar" I said now annoyed she won't admit it.

"You are my daughter and I'm not a liar you just can't recognize the truth obviously" Katy said her voice cold.

"I'm not your daughter and your a liar and will always be a liar. how do all these people look up to you when you lie, are you even a real singer or you lie about that, are you even 28 or is that a lie to?" I asked well accused

"No I'm 29 and I am a real singer and I'm not lying" Katy said annoyed

"Sure whatever keep lying to yourself" I said turning the music up.

"Why can't you just believe me?" Katy asked lowering the music

"Why would I" I said putting my earphones in. we got the food and went back to Katy's. I ate pretty fast so I can go to my room, I missed my room so much it's my safe haven. I ran up to my room and closed the door. I opened my drawer and grabbed some glass.

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