Chapter 31

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(Carla's POV)

I opened my eyes wishing I would've stayed asleep the rest of my life, but knowing it could never happen. I seen Katy sitting next to me asleep. I noticed the cords had been removed and I was still breathing, unfortunately. I got up off the bed taking slow steps to the bathroom. I splashed my face with cold water waking me up a little. I went out to the hall and just started walking till I seen an old lady in a bad condition laying in bed she looked pale and very sick. I felt sorry for her. I stood at the door for a while then went back into my room. I sat on the bed staring at the ceiling. Why did I have to wake up that's the worst thing I could've done. I sighed waking Katy up 'cause I moved the bed. she smiled when she seen me looking at her, I didn't smile back.

"Hey babe" she said smiling. I didn't say anything. I wish she would've just held me telling me she loves me and needs me and won't be able to live without me I wish that's how it went down yesterday because now all I see is an act, like she's acting like she's happy to see me and happy that I'm still alive.i don't even feel comfortable around her anymore.

"Baby what's up?" Katy asked sensing my sadness. I didn't answer but just looked down trying to avoid eye contact.

"Look I'm sorry about what I said I was just annoyed with you and those words just slipped out" Katy said grabbing hope of my hand, I pulled away.

"So they slipped meaning you were thinking it" I stated not Asking for an answer or a reason

"No no no that's not what I meant I meant-" I cut her off

"I don't want an answer or explanation I don't care I just want to be alone" I said looking at Shannon who's waking up

"Well I want to make it clear and make sure you understand what I'm trying to say here"Katy said then turned around and looked at Shannon who was sitting there like why are you both staring at me

"Can you give us a minuet" Katy asked.

"Ya" Shannon said then left.

Katy just sat there staring at me making me feel awkward. we sat in spence for a long time then Katy opened her mouth but didn't say anything.

"I'll wait with Shannon wile you sit here and think" I said getting up and walking got he door

"Wait" Katy said. I stopped and turned around.

"Why so you can think? can you not think when I'm gone?" I asked sarcastically

"Come on we need to talk" she said patting the bed.

"Are we gunna talk or am I going to sit there and watch you think?" I asked walking over to the bed and climbing on the bed.

"Were going to talk" Katy said taking in a breath then letting it out

"Baby I know what I said hurt you and I'm truly sorry...i know you think I don't want you but i do" she said tearing up

"It hurt me? no it didn't hurt me it made me realize how blind I was and how good of an actress you are" I said making the tears in her eyes fall

"No I wasn't acting I'm serious I love you and you aren't blind it's all real....i swear" Katy said reaching for my hand.

"I wish I could believe you but I...I just can't" I said trying my best not to let the tears that threatened to fall.

"I'm sorry please forgive me" Katy begged

"Sorry doesn't mean anything coming from you" I said raising my voice a little

"Please Carla" Katy begged. I didn't answer. I wanted to answer her but I couldn't speak I don't know why I couldn't I was just scared.

"Ugh your hopeless" Katy whispered probably thinking I didn't hear. my eyes tested up and I held the tears in trying to hide my face. I couldn't hold them in anymore they just fell and fell and fell. I don't think Katy noticed she had her face in her hands. I was crying quietly not really making any sound. I grabbed my phone and plugged in my earphones hoping the music will comfort me as it usually does. this time it didn't it made it worse saying I was a diamond and a firework when I know I'm not because katy told me I was hopeless. I realized Katy looking at me and tried harder to stop crying but it wasn't working and she just sat there staring at me making it worse. I could just imagine what she's thinking 'crying again what a baby. I wasted money adopting her'. Katy moved her lips but I couldn't hear her 'cause my headphones. She pulled then out.

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