Chapter 40

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(Carla's POV)

I apologized to James although I don't like him anymore, everyday at school Randy or someone says something and he comes back and tells Katy and that's been happening for two weeks now. I slowly walked downstairs to the table where everyone else was sitting. Katy had called me two time to eat. I sat by the wall with my earphones in.

After I ate I wasn't able to go to my room, every time I got up to go Katy called me back and told me to sit down. I sat there bored as Katy, Michael and James talked.

"Well we're going to check the cameras" Michael said as they both got up and walked down to the basement

"Can I go to my room" I asked

"No...i want to walk about what happened in school today" Katy said

"Why?" I asked "you don't believe me anyway...i already told you what happened"

"Tell me the whole story" she said as I got up and walked to the couch

"Well first of all it wasn't my fault" I said "I was minding my own business at lunch and Maggie comes to me and pushes me saying I put graffiti on her locker"

"What was the graffiti?" Katy interrupted me

"It was saying she was stupid basically" I said "I denied it 'cause I didn't do it, but she didn't believe me and when I stood up she pushed me again so I pushed her back and it went to a pushing fight"

"James said he was fallowing you like he usually does and you wrote something on a locker and ran off he said he couldn't see what you wrote but he seen you" Katy said

"Maybe he followed the wrong kid" I said

" was you and now your trying to cover it up" she said

"Ma'am we have a shadow on the porch out back Michael asked me to bring you down to the basement" James interrupted our conversation. we walked down the stairs, James following us.

We waited for a wile, Michael still seen the shadow appearing on different cameras making Katy freak.

"Michael I don't have a visual" James said clicking buttons on the computer

"Neither do cameras just went out" Michael said standing up

"Mine are going out now" James said as I seen fuzz go through the cameras

"Stay behind us and in the corner" Michael said as James and him cornered us to the corner and held their guns. they whispered for a bit before James went to their weapon cabinet and pulled out a hand gun.

"Listen up kid" he said kneeling down in front of me "only pull this button if you have no other choice, understand?"

"I understand" I said and he handed me the gun. they gave one to Katy and then resumed their possessions in front of me and Katy, Katy was holding me close to her with one hand as the other held the gun. then the worst happened, the lights went out.

"Be ready" Michael said. I heard the basement door open and creaking.


Hey guys sorry I took so long to update I'm still on vacation and don't have a lot of time so this chapter is kinda short...sorry. I hope you enjoy it though, please vote, comment and follow love you all💗

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