1//Shut up

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I'm sitting in my room listening to Chamber of Reflection by Mac Demarco and scrolling through instagram minding my own damn business when i hear running,shouting and suitcases being pulled along out in the hallway. 'must be new neighbors' I think to myself. I just forget about it and continue scrolling.

My dad comes into my room and tells me how we have new neighbors and how they are a bunch of 16 and 17 year olds. 'Oh fuck' They better not be noisy.


Its about 5 O'clock and i decide to go out on my skateboard. Right beside our apartment block there is a skate park which is pretty fucking handy for me. Not trying to brag but im a pro skateboarder.Once i get to the skate park there are a group of teenagers that look my age. Ive never seen them before which is weird because I come here everyday. I go into the park and start skateboarding. after a while I take a break and scroll through Instagram. The group over there are very loud and annoying but hey what can i do its an open park right?

I look over at the group to scan whos there, A tall boy with brown straight hair, A taller boy with hair that looks like ramen noodles,A shorter boy who has brown curly hair, A girl with short red hair, and last I see a tall boy with black crazily curly hair. Every curl i see on his head is beautiful, his cheekbones OH MY GOD, his jawline OH MY GOD, and his smile, oh his smile made my knees weak. Just wow.

I decide to go back inside since its getting dark. "Here I made some Mac and cheese" my dad hands me a bowl of mac and cheese when i walk in the door, "Thanks" My dads mac and cheese is fucking amazing dont test me on that. I eat dinner then go into my room.

Heres a back story, i used to live in this one house with my mom and dad but when i was 13 it burnt down and my mom was inside and didnt make it.Ever since then ive been dealing with very intense anxiety(true story). Me and my dad moved to this apartment block and I actually kinda love it here. 

I dont have much friends only my best friend Alex. I dont see her anymore because she moved to LA because her moms job got transferred. I used to call her everyday but we drifted recently. I left school and became home schooled because I would rather be a loner at home rather than at school:)



I wake up to laughing and shouting, My dads a very heavy sleeper so he wont wake up to this. I get up out of bed and fix myself up a bit like put on some sweatpants because all i had on was an oversized T-shirt. I follow where the noise is coming from, I open the front door to find out its those new people that moved in this morning. I walk across the hall. I internally groan at the thought of actually going up to talk to them because Ya know ANXIETY. 

I finally get the courage and knock on the door. The tall black haired boy from earlier opened the door. He sees me and smiles "Hey" "Hi" i reply. "Whats up?" He asks "Could you keep it down? its late and im trying to sleep" I stutter, "Oh god Im sorry i didnt know we were that loud.GUYS SHUT UP!" Another boy comes running over. Hes just as tall but has straight brown hair." Finn whats goi- Oh hi im Jaeden" he puts out his hand for me to shake. The black haired boy im guessing whos name is Finn nudges him with his elbow "C'mon dude i saw her first" he whisper shouts.I giggle quietly at his comment. I be nice and shake Jaeden's hand "Lilia, and you are?" gesturing to the black haired guy, "Finn" he replys "Nice to meet you Finn" I say "A pleasure"

"Hey Lilia i Know we only met but since we are neighbors do you wanna come in and meet the rest of the guys?" Finn asks shyly. "Uhh sure"  I say. Im not good at meeting new people and i dont look my best right now. Thank god I put on some sweats and fixed my hair before i came over.

I walk in and the Apartment is the exact same layout as mine except much more messy. I honestly dont know how its this messy because they only arrived this morning. We walk into the living room and i see 2 boys and a girl sitting on the sofa watching How I Met Your Mother(Great show, i recommend, its on Netflix). They all turn around to look at me, Finn puts his hand on my shoulder, the one closest to him and says "Guys this is Lilia , she lives across the hall" They all jump up from the sofa to greet me. "Im Sophia"  says the red haired girl . "Im Jack" says the curly brown haired boy . "Im Wyatt" Says the boy with ramen noodle hair. I shake their hands and we get to know eachother We all have so much in common. I have the most in common with Finn, We are both obsessed with 80s music and movies, our favourite movie is Sixteen Candles and we both love all 80s music. I found out hes in a band and he loves Twin peaks, AC/DC, the Police and Mac DeMarco. "Wait you love AC/DC too?" Finn says seeming interested. "Yeah i grew up listening to them with my dad, we would always listen to it while going on road trips"

After what felt like only an hour of talking i check my phone and its 5am. "Shit i better get back to sleep, My dads up in an hour and if he found out that i snuck out he would kill me". They all say goodbye "Hey il walk you out" Finn shouts. He walks me to my door, "Im kinda glad we were making noise tonight" " me too" i giggled. "Can i get your number?" He asks nervously. I can feel my cheeks heating up.  A boy has never asked me for my number before. "sure" I take his phone and put in my number and put my name as 'Lilia<3'. He smiles when he sees I put a heart by my name.

"Ill see you tom- later ?" I ask remembering its 5am. "Yeah ill text you later" He replys. I give him a tight hug, It feels so right, I never want to let go and I think he feels the same way. We let go out of the hug and I walk inside. When i close the door I waited for a second to hear his door shut, it didnt. I looked out the peep hole to see Finn leaning against his door with red cheeks and a goofy smile. How cute.

 Once I jump into bed I fall straight asleep feeling happy, happier than ive been in a long time.....

This is my first chapter I hope you enjoyed it<3

word count:1292


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