4// Wow

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Finn and I walk out of the ice cream place. "God whats their problem?" Finn says sounding irritated. "No idea, its kinda funny though" I reply, "hmm" He says smiling. We walk down the street and end up in a park, we go to sit on the bench and finish our ice creams. "So Lilia Johnson whats your story?" He asks outta nowhere. 'should i trust this kid? Ive only known him like 3 days.I mean hes very gorgeous and nice and funny and all but does he really like me? Or is Sophia just fucking with me, idk. I think I should just tell him'. "Hey Lilia you okay?" Finn says waving his hand in front of my face. I snap back to reality. "Uhh sorry I must have zoned out there" I say rubbing my eyes. "anyway what was the question again?" "So,Whats the Lilia Johnson's story?"He repeats.

'just tell him'

'What if he doesnt even like you'



"You really wanna know?" I say anxiously. "Of coarse" He replys with a smile. "Okay, I was born in a little town outside of the city of NY and i lived in a beautiful house with my mom and my dad" I start tearing up, my palms get sweaty, "I had a great childhood, one night when I was 13 I woke up to my mom screaming a-and the smell of smoke, I-I ran into the living room to find the whole room and the rest of the house on fire, there was a hole in the roof  and my mom was under a huge burning plank of timber, screaming f-for her life." At this point im sobbing, Finn scoots closer to me and puts his hand on mine, I continue "We had to get out, we had to leave her, w-we couldnt save her, we got out j-just in time before the whole roof fell through" I stuttered.This time Finn picks up my hand and squeezes it tightly. I scoot closer to him and he opens his arms.He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer, I nuzzle my head into his soft sweatshirt and sob.He rubs my back and tells me its okay.

After what felt like 5 minutes of us hugging I let go then so did he. He looks at me with worry in his eyes."Im so sorry Lilia, Its gonna be okay I promise"He says softly. I nod "Im glad I told you, its been bottled up inside me for so long and it feels like a weight lifted off my shoulders " I say wiping away my tears. I look at his grey sweatshirt where my head was and its soaking and has makeup stains on it. "Sorry about that" I giggle pointing to his wet patch. He looks down "Oh dont be , its nothing, Im glad you told me too" He says in a calming voice.

I didnt notice how close we were, I look down and our hands are inches apart. I want to grab it so badly , our faces are so close I can feel his light breathing . I get an urge to do something ive never done before. ' No Lilia, he doesnt like you, and you dont like him! youve known him 3 god damn days. 3 god damn amazing days' I fight my urge and push it to the back of my mind.

Instead I put my head on his shoulder. He sits back on the bench and puts his arm around my shoulders. I open spotify. "Any suggestions?" I ask him, "Yeah" He replies. I hand him my phone and he searches a song, "hey its already in your playlist" He says and plays 'My kind of woman' by Mac DeMarco. I smile and cuddle into him more. He starts singing along

"oh baby,

oh man

your making me crazy.

really driving me mad

 but thats alright with me,

its really no fuss.

as long as your next to me

just the two of us

Your my,my,my,

My kind of woman"

Wow. His voice is like an angel.Im in awe. Its so soothing, it calms me down right away.Those lyrics seem to make sense in this moment."Your voice" I say outta nowhere. "My voice?" He says laughing. "Its amazing" I say not meaning to. Even though I have my head on his shoulder, I know hes smiling. "wow thanks" He says as I get off his shoulder. "we should get back" I say looking at my phone, a few miss calls from Sophia, probably just calling to say they left the ice cream place.

We walk to home talking about nothing and everything. I can feel his hand brushing off mine and I want to hold it so fucking bad but I fight the urge because I dont want to ruin this moment.

We arrive back and I decide to go to the guys place for a few hours. We walk in the door and I see four sets of eyes on us. They gasp quietly because my mascaras a bit all over the place and both our hair is very messy, it was really windy outside btw. Sophia smiles and runs up to me, she grabs my hand and pulls me into her bedroom.

"What happened!!" She screeches with a HUGE smile on her face. "Nothing happened we just went to the park and talked" I reply "Then why is your makeup everywhere and your hair really messy?" she asks sounding concerned. I run over to the mirror to look at my state. "Holy fuck" I say. "Sophia its just really windy outside and my hair got messy"I say still looking in the mirror. "Then why is your makeup everywhere?" She asks again. "Ill tell you some other time I promise okay?I was just talking about my past" She nods and comes over to give me a hug. "Wanna stay over tomorrow night?" I ask. "Yay sure!" She replys 


We walk in the door and everyone is staring at us. Sophia smiles and brings Lilia into her room. I walk over to the couch and sit down. "Dude what happened you look a mess?" Jaeden says smirking. "Did you get some?" Jack says winking "JACK NO its not like that okay?" I say. "We went to the park and just talked okay?" I say telling the truth. "Whys your hair so messy and is that makeup on your sweatshirt?" Wyatt asks. "She just talked about her past, shes deep man" I say and they dont say anything , I continue "She got really emotional and I comforted her, she layed her head on my shoulder and we just listened to music for a while" I said quietly. "Guys she told me I have an amazing voice" I say smiling, I honestly couldnt help it. "I think someone has a crush" Jack says coming over and sitting next to me, I can feel my cheeks heat up.

"I think its more than just a crush Jack" Jaeden replys. "Huh?" I say looking up at Jaeden. "Someones in looooovee" he says. Jack starts poking me "Ooooohhh Finn loves Liliaa" He says. "Do i?" I say, Im very confused. Maybe I do. "I know how we can figure it out" Wyatt says.

"Tell me what you think when you look at her" He says. "When I look at her. Wow. Shes beautiful, the way her hair sits on her shoulders, the way her big hazel eyes light up in the sunlight, the way she laughs, her smile is so fucking perfect, she is perfect. I want to be with her 24/7, I want to be able to call her mine ya know?" I finish rambling. "You just explained it Finnie, You just explained what love is" Jaeden says.

"I guess im in love" I say unable to hide my smile. "Proud of you dude" Jack says patting me on the back.

Wow, Im in love with Lilia Johnson

Wow that chapter was deep

This was hard to write because its a true story, it actually happened to me when i was 13. Anyway I hope you like where this is going!

Word count: 1352

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