20//Morning after the night before

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Sophia's POV/
Wyatt and I went to look for Lilia and Finn but we couldn't find them anywhere. I'm guessing they went home. We walk over to Jaeden and Jack who just got some random girls numbers.
"Woo I love New York!" Jack shouts and we all laugh. Jaeden nudges Wyatts shoulders "Hey we saw you two over there" He says. I blush and look down at my hands . "Should we tell them?" Wyatt whisper shouts in my ear, I could still hear him over the loud music though. I nod. "She's my girlfriend" He says wrapping his arm around me. Their jaws drop. "Wow I wasn't expecting that" Jack shouts. "We will tell you about it some other time okay?" I tell them and we start dancing. "Anyone see Filia" Jaeden asks. "Filia?" Wyatt asks. "Their ship name" Jack adds. Wyatt nods. "I think they went home" I reply. "I wonder what they're doing, do you think he's fucking her as we speak?" Jack says wiggling his eyebrows. " jack I think your right for once in your life" I reply and we all laugh.
-the next morning-
Lilias POV/
I wake up with a pounding headache and I can feel Finns arms wrapped around me and his head is cuddled into my neck. We are both just wearing our underwear. I get out of his grip without waking him up. I go to the kitchen to get some water and a tablet for my headache. As I'm walking to the kitchen  I'm hurting in between my thighs. Then everything from last night comes rushing back. The club, the taxi ride home and the events in the bedroom. I smile at the thought of me actually being confident to have sex. And it was with Finn! I can't remember how I was but I'm guessing I was good cause he didn't run away yet. I get back into bed and I accidentally wake Finn up. "Morning beautiful" he says while stretching. " Morning love" I reply kissing him on the nose. "Last night was fun are u sure this was your first time?" He says sitting up. I nod smiling to myself. " I saw Sophia and Wyatt making out when we left the club" I say to Finn. His eyes widen and he grabs my hand and gets up. We put clothes on and go next door. No one is awake yet so I go into Sophia's room and Finn goes into Wyatts room. I open the door and no one is in there. "Lia they're in here" Finn whisper shouts. I tiptoe over to the doorway to see them cuddling sound asleep. "Cute" I say. "But your cuter" Finn says as I close the door. He jumps on the couch and lies down and turns the Tv on. I sit on top of him so I'm straddling him. "What are you up to Lilia?" He asks raising an eyebrow. Just to piss him off I lick his cheek. "Lilia what are you doing!!" He shouts and I put my hand over his mouth so he doesn't wake our friends up. He licks my hand. I wipe my hand on his shirt and lie down still laughing . I cuddle into his neck and drift off to sleep.

I wake up to Finn whisper shouting. I sit up and rub my eyes. "Whats going on" I say, I'm grumpy when I get waken up like that. "Nothing they were just trynna wake you up" Finn says sitting up beside me, I give Them the finger then rest my head on Finns shoulder.
"Oh my gosh Lilia look at all those hickies on the back of your neck!" Sophia shouts. I jump up and run into the bathroom. I take my shirt off and see hickies pretty much all over my chest, neck and shoulders. I run out of the bathroom still with no top on, only a bra"Finn look what you did!" I say gestering to my 100s of love bites. I see all eyes on me and Jack and Jaeden are staring at my tits. Finn runs up to me and covers me from the guys. "Stop staring guys" Finn snaps at them as I put my shirt back on. He goes to the bathroom and takes his shirt off. His chest and neck is also covered in love bites. He comes out of the bathroom to show me. "And look what you did Lilia" he says laughing. He turns back around to go get his shirt and we all burst into laughter.
He turns back around, "what"
"Your back is covered in scratches" Jack says laughing. Finn looks at me and smirks then goes into the bathroom. Oof his body is perfect.

I hope this was good. :)

Wordcount: 789

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