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Jake hasn't really been saying much, just leading me to where I am meant to be. His chuntering doesn't even seem committal, it's about random stuff to himself. I know not to pay attention, if he wants me to know he'll outright tell me. He's a chatterbox so when he is keeping to himself it is for a reason. Besides, my brain is busy screaming inappropriate words about those so called friends.

To be fair, I should have noticed the signs that it wouldn't last sooner. All they ever wanted to do was shop and club. We never just hung out to talk unless I was being dragged around a shopping centre. They only ever wanted to know about each other's love lives and crushes, I am too different from them. However, they were important to me.

I fully take responsibility for worrying them by not being in touch sooner, but they didn't have to respond in such a way because of the way I live now. Sure I don't seem like 'myself', but they didn't even know the other part of my personality. They knew me as someone who got into fights, and didn't give a shit about people. They didn't know that I care about everyone, even those I haven't spoken to before. They didn't pay attention to the fact that I'm sensitive in my own way.

So honestly, I don't need them. Things are going well for me right now. I have my idiot brother's back. I have a best friend who understands me better than anyone else. I have a house full of people who have my back. And a support system bigger than ever, and I don't feel pressured to be open with them.

A hand comes flying towards my face which isn't a good thing when stuck inside your head. Catching it as it nears, I twist it behind the culprits back in an attempt to break the joints. "Whoa whoa whoa! I need that." The fog clears, and I look up to Jake's panicking eyes. "Sorry." Dropping the limb, I step back. "Are you ok? You were zoned out and nearly killed me."

"Don't be a pussy. The most that I would have done is break a bone or two." Scowling, he massaged at the cramping muscles. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just go lost in thought." Sceptical, he hums. "What did you want?" I rest against the wall. "I was just trying to tell you that this is the library, before you mercilessly attacked me." Pushing off of the brick work, I move through the glass door to a book haven, not missing the chance to knock him upside the head too.

Halting in the middle of the entrance way, I'm awestruck by the gorgeous design. Different areas of the building are either modern or vintage. For example, the kitchen is all modern while the living room is all vintage cabin vibes. This room is the perfect medium of both extremes. Granted, I haven't been much of a reader since I was thirteen but I would still gladly cosy up in here for hours without any interruption. I can get lost in a fantasy world.

"Amazing, right?" He slaps my shoulder. I jerk forward, nodding. I start my venture deeper into the hickory room. All of the shelves and seats appear to be old alpine, the decor around the furniture brings the new age twist. Staring upwards to the next level, wooden flooring shows off more of the quality hardback grand collection.

"Mr Witting designed this entire room three or four years ago when Luke introduced the home tutoring idea. Lulu gave him the task since he basically lives here anyway."

"Mr Witting?" I plop down in an adorable alcove. Widows sit either side of me, shelves packed with novels and texts on either side of the seat. "Yep, Matt's father. He's one of the oldest members here. It's a habit of calling him by formality, he taught me my final year of college when I arrived." Jay had to resit his first year of college as Luke's departure started halfway through and he spent a lot of his time at home to help us and Mum out.

"It was a pleasure doing so, when you weren't causing havoc of course." An older man steps in from the hallway, beaming brightly at the both of us. "Hey, John." I somewhat watch them exchange pleasantries, catching up as if it has been years.

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