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Physically, I am incapable of breathing. When he shoved his hand through my ribs, he ruptured both of my lungs. The lack of oxygen in my brain is making everything fuzzy, forcing my body into a full shut down. I can't feel the pain in my chest anymore. In fact I can't feel anything, just an empty void. It's no real wonder considering his hand is grasping the most vital organ in my anatomy and preventing it from beating fully.

"Kill them all! I'm going to make you listen to your failure to fulfil that promise of keeping them safe." He maliciously grins, an unholy sight I never want to witness again.

At this rate, I'm not going to see anything ever again. I won't ever see Marshmallow, or my brothers, or my friends ever again. I won't get to wrestle with Bear or Pleb anymore. I won't be able to chase around the precious children of the pack. I won't get to start my own family.

A scream holds me just above the pit of darkness. It's ear-piercing, almost shattering my eardrum. I know exactly who it is too; Preppy's being dragged out of the house by her hair and Luke is unable to leap to her rescue due to someone gnawing on his shoulder. How the fuck did they get into the bunker? Shit. Kelis, Samantha, and the kids are all in danger.

Biscuit's cry follows. Jake yells for her to be released from a choke hold while fighting his way through a crowd of men. Juice's voice carried across all of the growl's, searching for T-Rex who's on the other side of the battlefield. He and his brother are about to be torn to shreds. Everyone is going to die, or at least suffer the loss of their treasured one's.

Why aren't I doing anything? I'm lying here pathetically, not even trying anymore. I just don't have it in me anymore.

Then one shriek stands out above the rest. It isn't just audible, I can feel it deep in what little is left of my soul. "Lucy!..." She tries again, scared, beyond petrified. She's hurting badly, agony clutching at her crumbling spirit. Her calls barely register.

A distinct tugging at my heart makes my eyes burn into the cocky ones of a lunatic. My hand wraps around his, halting his gruesome actions. "Tell them to stand down." He laughs in my face, coating me in a layer of rancid saliva that stinks worse than a swamp. "And why would I do that?"

"I'll let you kill me once I know they're safe. This is the only deal you're going to get out of me, Zayn." His eyes shimmer for a split second, glimmering with forced confidence. "I can kill you right now and take your livelihood. No deal needed."

"That's a stupid decision you'll regret in a short time." His scoff is unsure, full of anxiety and I am loving it. He's finally got a grasp of how strong and determined I really am. I am nowhere near being like his past kills, I have a persistence that will come back to bite him in the arse.

He uses his other hand to rip my grip off of him, snapping what I know is my radius and ulna. The crunch causes my goddess to sob as she feels the pain I am immune to. This bitch thinks I'm going to let him murder hundreds of innocent wolves? How wrong he is.

I laugh as he twists the bone further. The tingle of discomfort barely tickles my nerve system.

My wolf and I share a nod. He smirks before closing his eyes, howling with all of his might into the cavern of my mind. Something triggers inside of me, set off by the power he releases - about time too. The books didn't tell me how tedious this process was going to be, but the finish line is now in sight.

Flicking my chin to the side, my canines sink into his scrawny wrist. The sensation of them scratching at the hard material beneath the murky flesh isn't very satisfying. A fearsome howl rips through him at the acidic feeling, knocking his body into a state of shock. When he crumples in on himself, collapsing sideways, his body seizes as though he downed a litre of cyanide.

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