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The darkness that plagues my mind is shattered by a frenzied howl, followed by harrowing shrieks. Dusty dirt floats down from the roof above as the whole building shakes with wild rage. The dangerous warning and dares that mix into the roars produce an amused smirk across my lips. I can recognise those sounds miles away, I've heard them since infancy.

An army's pounding isn't going to instil fear in the beast approaching this very room from behind the frontline. Clattering bullet shells crashing onto my doorstep is inspiring. So much effort into holding their post, with no hope of surviving, it's truly remarkable how much loyalty these petrified pests hold inside their rotten hearts that I very much want to tear from their quivering chest cavities.

The screams of death aren't deterring. I know exactly who they are from, the sound of their flesh being sliced open followed by raging roars - the lullaby's I am far too familiar with. I only hope that if Zayn is present, he isn't killed instantly so I can get my claws on him. How I dream to skin him alive then mount his bones as a trophy - dark, Lucy.

Using my elbows for support, I attempt to push myself up at least a little but my body is still too exhausted to even twitch. All focus is on my anatomy and its healing, desperate not to risk dying. My bones and muscles seem to have forgotten what movement is, and I can't seem to imagine why I would need the ability to bend my joints when there is a fight occurring on the other side of my luxurious hotel room door.

Not knowing what else to do, I wiggle about on my 'bed' fighting against my body to get the fuck up. If I stay quiet much longer, I'm either going to be lost with the size of this place and tracking by scent is practically impossible since my blood is everywhere. Or better yet, I'll be killed by someone I probably haven't met before.

The infuriated monster fighting my bodyguards howls out in sharp pain, a shot being fired which may have landed somewhere unwanted. About five different guns are shot, each one eventually tumbling to the floor. That's my boy.

And then silence ensues throughout the entire building. Not a single growl. No firing of ammo. Not a scuff of shoes on the crumbling floor boards.

My senses are falling away again, my awareness not doing much better. I'm concerned I'm not going to be able to stay awake long enough to know how this goes. When I come to, I may be in a different torture shelter or at home where I can sleep, shower and eat freely.

The handle to the door starts violently clinking about in the wall. I guess it's still locked from earlier. Instead, the beast gets impatient and kicks it inwards. The wood splinters, and I'm luckily far enough away from the germy wood to not be hit - too much is already going on inside of me, adding gangrene won't help anything.

The familiar face stops to stare at me, horrified. "Pleb." His apple bobs, something in his brain snapping. "Hey, Reaper." Jogging over, his hands push his hair back, a nervous trait. "From the look on your face, it's not too good." I speak with hints of humour, but I can feel him hurting. "Lucy..."

"Don't start pitying me." I'm sharp and commanding. I will not let him feel bad for me. I don't like when people I'm close to do that, they know I'm a tough girl that will get on with it no matter how serious the aches and pains. Therefore, they should never even bother. "These are the consequences of my actions, and I fully accept that. So no guilt; no pity; and no shed tears."

Sighing, he breaks into a small smile. "You're a stubborn bitch at times." My eyes roll. "Do you even know me?"

"I'm assuming you can't walk." His hand carefully presses against the bloody patches of what were my favourite pants. "If I was able to crawl, I would be moving around like the girl in The Ring."

"I am never watching a horror movie with you." I'm glad he's involving himself in some jokes, it eases my worry that he's not doing good. I know he isn't ok, that much is obvious. At least he isn't falling into a dark place where I'll struggle to reach him.

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