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There's a sickening smirk plastered across his face. I want nothing more than to wipe it off with the heel of my foot. But despite how cocky he looks, there's apprehension lying beneath his forced features. I can certainly guess what is causing him to worry. Even I'm affected by the dominance my burning eyes radiate. They're power crazed that may put me in danger if I'm not careful.

"Zayn, back the fuck off and just go home. I don't need you souring my mood more than you already have. I was just trying to get on with my life by getting this idiot to talk to him!" My hand flies in the air, making general gestures to Alex and Justin. "Hey!" T-Rex leans back against the man restraining him, seeming particularly unimpressed which makes me laugh.

"Look, Princess, I suggest you do as you're told. Otherwise -" I step towards him, cutting him off with a bellow, "- No! Fuck you! I'm not going to do what you want, I'm fed up with your bullshit. Can't you just fuck off out of my life, you Dumb Twat?" My hand has raised to my face, dragging around the skin - if the events in my life don't cause wrinkles, this will.

"Can you not hear how done I am with you? Just take the hint and get the fuck out of my damn life!" My screams have everyone wincing, stepping back to save their eardrums. Every syllable I release, I'm practically jabbing a blade into his body.

The air around us fluctuates to keep up with my changing mood cartwheeling between different zones and stages. While I'm trying to reign in my temper, he continues to gawk at me. Leaning back the tiniest amount, his eyes bulge. He won't admit it, but I don't need him to in order to see the fear all over his pathetic face.

Shaking off the weakening emotion, he approaches. The two of us square up, face-to-face, practically breathing on the other while processing what to do next. His icy palm lifts, trailing the back of his dirty nail down my cheek. The skin scratched open from the pressure provided by the jagged edge.

"Have you forgotten how well I know you, Lucy-Anna Whittroe? I have been watching you since the moment you were brought into the world." He shut up which I believe is my designated speaking time. "I think you need to go to therapy for your obsession. Stalking a child isn't healthy or socially acceptable, there's something perverted about it."

"You can pretend to be confident and bold right now but I remember how much of a shy and cowardly pest you really were, no matter what you tell people. You always hid in other people's shadows, relying on them to get you through life and hardships." My jaw tenses, a minimal smirk coming to his stupid face.

"You were dripping with anxiety and insecurity from the minute you were born, and it always got the better of you because you have always been and will forever be pathetic." The bitterness biting at his words is striking me in the heart and deeper.

"You never could do anything right. Learning to let special moments pass out of fear of messing them up, just like you did with anything and everything else." Someone mover around in the background but seemingly doesn't get far as a whimper soon follows as a body drops.

"You've always seen yourself as less, thinking you're behind everyone else in your lively development. As they're succeeding and going places, you've been stuck at the back. You struggle to even find your own voice. Funnily enough, you're right. You are lacking because you're a goofy nitwit who can't do anything for herself. You've always been worthless - just a comedian who will be forgotten in time." My feet manage to respond, shuffling me back a mere inch. He holds my chin in place, gazing over it in distaste.

"Cowering behind your dastardly mother... How much more pathetic could you get? She was such a wonderous woman when young; beautiful and intelligent with a bright future. It's a shame she was mated to your feeble excuse of a father. It's impossible to believe they sacrificed their lives to protect your good-for-nothing hind."

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