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Dragging myself away from a brief kiss, I head out into the hallway, unimpressed. Luke asked me to meet him in his office to discuss some form of pack business. I don't see why he keeps consulting me about this stuff, he's the Alpha, not me. On top of that, he explained that he needs a hand with paper work. What compelled him to confide in the girl who can't sit still for more than five minutes is a universal mystery. I couldn't sit through my exams, I'd doubt I have the self discipline to sit through hundreds of profiles.

When I woke up from the coma, I was told about all of the changes I inevitably missed. It didn't shock me how a lot of Zayn's followers agreed to pledge their loyalty to our pack, though a few of them fled - I doubt we've seen the last of them. Those individuals are now officially classed as Rogues. The new members are now in a state of constant surprise to be treated normally, instead of being seen as slaves or disposable meat. They were overjoyed when we informed them that any family they have is also welcome to join. Some brought kids, partners. Funnily enough, a few wept when we told them that we're a non judgmental pack, stating that same sexes, disabilities, everything that makes them different, it's all welcome.

Luke burnt Zayn's body as soon as Lizzy and I collapsed. He'd used some of the fire left from my anger to be sure it would work - Hell fire burns everything. He saved the ashes for me, and I still haven't decided what to do with them. I'm tempted to just dump them, but I know how resurrection works. If one of his old followers found them, they could bring him back with the right spell. So for the moment, they're in the safe at the back of my wardrobe.

Everyone is moving on. By now, all wounds have healed. There was no one to mourn. Everything is seeming to return to normal. No one is dwelling on the past, but I can't rid myself of a ditch in my gut. It appears I'm the only one struggling to continue normally. There's a cockroach crawling up and down my spine constantly, I'm not sure if I'll ever be rid of it. I guess it could be paranoia, or even trauma, but I'm always on edge, waiting for the next thing to crash down.

Arriving at the door, I consider knocking. On one hand, when have I ever bothered with privacy; on the other, Preppy is in there. Her scent is rolling from underneath the door, something's clearly exciting her for it to be this strong. I kind of know what it could be, and I don't need to be scarred from witnessing something along those lines.

Tapping against the wood quickly, I wait a moment before barging in. Training starts in ten and I don't want to be late. I've been catching up on all the time lost from my death - then the coma. I'm trying to get back to my fighting weight and strength, a week without food, then a week without proper food slimmed me down - an image I don't like for myself.

The reason he didn't respond to my knocking is due to his tongue being halfway down Preppy's throat, as I suspected. She's casually laid back on the sofa while he's leaning over her, holding up his weight with straight arms on the cushions. Seriously, my brothers are such whores at times. I've walked in on Jay hooking up with Biscuit when I was told to get him for lunch. I've made numerous comments to Pleb and Lew when they return after vanishing for a night, Lew is always covered in possessive marks. How am I the only one to have not gotten laid yet?

Resting my shoulder against the door frame, I cross my arms and ankles. This is going to be fun. "Hey, Lovebirds!" Upon hearing my voice, Luke is thrown to the floor by a flustered Mia who's trying to adjust her shirt and skirt within seconds. He grumbles like a child, stropping about being interrupted from a good moment. The bloody animal has managed to smudge her lipstick everywhere.

"Really, Luce? We were in the middle of something." I wander further in. Snatching a tissue off of his desk, I had it to Preppy with a motion to her mouth. "You asked to see me as soon as possible, this is your fault. You really need to be more aware of your surroundings, what if I was a murderer? You'd be dead."

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