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Luke's been phoning around several nearby packs for knowledge on how to hand over the Alpha title; turns out different packs have different traditions. Some only do so with death, other's heritage, and now we have the same ideas as before - which is basically nothing. I think we're going to look at a more regular way once we have some more thoughts on it. I'm not down with killing him just for a title - I'd rather he stay Alpha and just leave me in charge. But we'll figure something out, we always do.

However, things finally feel calm to me. Wolfy isn't bounding around anymore, he's been spending most of his time asleep. I've been doing a lot of paperwork for Lulu while he's been looking into this ceremony nonsense. I've somehow managed to make it work with my regular routine while not taking up too much of my spare time. That's a sacrifice I am not willing to make.

So at the moment, I'm chilling out with Mallow as much as possible. I know things are just going to get hectic when I fully take over, resulting in me taking this time for everything it's worth. For the last few weeks we've been binge watching as many shows as possible, we're currently half way through the second season of 'Lucifer'. I seemingly relate to the main character.

I spent a lot of my teen years re-watching 'Miranda'. Tom Ellis is one of my favourite comedic actors. I'm pretty sure my Mum had a bit of a crush on him at one point. I remember that whenever I got home from school, the two of us would curl up on the couch and watch through as much as we could until we fell asleep. There'd be an array of snacks which we'd replace a meal with, bottles of coke to get us through. We wouldn't move for hours.

The screen is paused while Marshmallow showers. I jumped in first and am actually dressed for once, granted it isn't much; to most a pair of SpongeBob boxers and a ratty band tank-top from the eighties isn't an outfit. Nonetheless, it is far more than what I usually wear after washing. She demands I cover up the basics, and I can't refuse her.

Come to think of it, she's been in the bath for quite some time - closing in on forty minutes now. I've had my nose stuck in a book, so I haven't really been paying attention to the passing of time, but now I'm worried. Sure she averagely takes double my time to wash, but not this long.

With that thought the door creaks open timidly, "Everything alright, Mallow?" I'm trying to race through the last paragraph as swiftly as possible; I hate leaving a chapter unfinished. Then, I also want to provide her all of my attention. "Yeah, sorry I took so long."

"Don't worry about it. It's your room too." She hasn't made any indication of moving from the doorway, not exactly helping me worry any less. And as soon as the last sentence is absorbed into my mind, I close the pages after finding the bookmark beside my leg. Her nerves are spiking, making me rush to put away the story.

Though, as I'm turning to face her I almost slip off of the bed at the remarkable image. A girl I've known to be shy and insecure is displaying her wondrous curves and goodies in a rouge lace dress that resembles lingerie more than a nightgown. Holy shit.

The skinny lace halter neck strap comes down in a deep plunge 'v' shape to end just above her sweet navel. The flower pattern just manages to conceal the smaller details of her soft tanned skin. It flows over her arse in a skirt thing that lifts due to an overlap on the front to reveal the silky underwear hiding beneath.

Swallowing the river of drool in my mouth, it's like I'm dumbstruck by the sight of such a delicacy. She's decided to comb her hair back into a loose backwards braid to hang over her shoulder while her fringe highlights her cheeks - she got a haircut while we were out, deciding on a full fringe. The smell of her body wash and natural scent are teasingly dancing across the room in the form of a romantic waltz to fog my rationality.

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