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It doesn't take long for the pack to vanish inside once Lewis declares our tea being ready. I believe he said something about it being curry, it has all the components we need to keep a balanced diet. The thought of his Tikka Masala has puddles of drool forming in my cheeks. Honestly, his cooking is almost as perfect as mine, I just have a few more recipes under my belt.

"I should probably shower before we get something to eat, what do you think?" I look down to the Angelic woman beside me, who nods. "You stink." Her cheeks flush realising what she said, regretting the 'insult' even though it makes me laugh. "Oh do I now?" A wicked idea sprouts in my mind.

The gang roars as I pull her into a tight hug, causing her to squeal in disgust at being trapped between my moist arms and chest. "Lucy! I'm going to suffocate!" I hum in return, nuzzling my warm head into her neck. "No! You're sticking to me!" She wiggles about, leaning back to try putting distance between us, which I eventually allow.

"Before you go, can I borrow you for a moment?" Jay says softly, looking down to the grass. "Sure, what for?" He swallows, "To meet Amy." He turns redder than Lizzy when shy. "Of course I have time to meet my future Sister in-law." I blink rapidly, pulling a cheesy grin. "You haven't introduced Luce to her yet?" Luke glances between us. I cross my arms, dragging my eyes between them. "I beg your pardon. You've met her already?"

"Yeah, Jay let me meet her last night." Luke tries to hold in a snicker as I glare at our brother, somewhat hurt. I'm the only remaining female in this family, surely I should have some form of priority when meeting the girls burdened with joining this deranged bloodline. "You let Luke meet her before me?"

"Don't take it personal, Luce, but I didn't want to scare her off." The group laughs, and I try to refrain from tackling the Idiot. I shoot my arms up, appalled. "I am highly offended. Shouldn't I be the first to meet her since I'm also female? We should be bonding over flowers, and that make-up stuff." I grit out, staring him down. "Like you know anything about either of those subjects."

"I could! I was friends with a bunch of feminine women." I sass, putting my hand on my hips. "If you say so."

"I really suggest you start leading the way before she kills you." Lulu not so subtly whispers into his ear, causing him to scuttle off.

"I'll meet you in the room." Kissing Lizzy's cheek, she motions for me to go, shooing me with her hand and an adorable smile. She decides to step closer to Luke, trusting he'll keep her safe due to the authority as Alpha. He winks at me, reassuring my nerves. "Alright, see you in a bit, I love you." The words leave my lips before I can filter through them. This inevitably results in bulging eyes and nearly fainting from a panic.

"Wait!" I spin on my heel to stare back at her with no trace of an eyelid, and laboured breath. "It's alright, I think I love you too." She's quiet, chin pressing against her chest to avoid seeing my response. I try not to jump and clap my hands, grateful to the Gods for not making that the most awkward exchange in my life.

I lift her into my arms, kissing her cheek repeatedly. Her hair tickles at my nose as her twinkling titters sing into my ear. "Lucy! You still stink!" She screeches, not that I care much.

Jay groans before walking off some more, I have just enough time to put her down and leave another kiss on her cheek, then fall into step with him. "So what's she like?" He takes us around to the side of the house, the spot where the kids normally play to burn some energy before bed otherwise they're up all night until it is up to me to deal with them. "Amazing. She's gorgeous and smart and confident and -"

"- Ok. I get the idea." I pat his back, feeling bad for her already. He's a lot, not in a bad way, but a lot. Yet, I think all four of us are in some way. Lew is a clingy emotional fluff ball. Lulu is a tense overbearing idiot that cares a lot. Jay is a dense weirdo that loves intensely. I'm a sarcastic protective brat.

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