True Young Love

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Yoongi and I decided to go out for a while. We haven't been outside since we didn't go anywhere or had any plans to leave. We also went with Lunar, and she's grown up quite a bit. She still feels like a little baby to me.

"She grew up a lot, huh?" Yoongi said while holding Lunar in his arms. "Kids grow up so fast." I pretended to wipe a tear away. "Come on, she needs some fresh air and so do we." I nodded my head. At some point in time, Lunar climbed on top of Yoongi's head. "Kids are so cute. I'm currently growing old with two of them." I said while gigging. "Yah! I'm older than you so I'm not at kid, you act more like one than I do!" he turned his head, careful to not have Lunar fall off. "You're not that old! Only by a year, so if I'm a kid you are one too." I said with a smirk.

He just rolled his eyes. As we were walking to god knows where, our hands constantly brushed against each others. "I'm just going to hold your hand because you can't keep your hands to yourself." I blushed at what Yoongi just said. "It's not my fault! I'm not forcing it to brush against your hand, it just happens." I said trying to save myself. "Uh-huh, sure it was." a smirk plastered on his face.

I pouted and rolled my eyes, but I felt nice on the inside. We would walk and play around with each other as Lunar watched us with her curious eyes. Elderly people would walk by us with bright smiles as we bowed at them. One old couple walked up to us. "You're cute, something a young couple should be. People that show the meaning of true love. Not afraid of what others had to say, just showing enough love for others to admire, and not disgust." I smiled and bowed at them. "Thank you very much! We appreciate that. Have an amazing day!" we both bowed at the elderly couple as the woman nodded her head and smiled.

"Why weren't we like that when we were young?" we heard the old woman hit the mans shoulder as they were walking away. Yoongi and I giggled at their cuteness. "We'll be like that someday. We may not be together like we are right now, but we will be like that with our significant other." Yoongi chuckled as he took a loving glance at me. "Heh.. maybe so." my genuine smile was now replaced with a forced one given this fact. I mentally slapped myself.

No, just because you won't be together in the future doesn't mean you don't have him with you right now. Make the most of it before it's all gone in your head, buried as memories.

I then remembered what Yoongi had told me not too long ago.

 "Y/N.. what if I told you we should run away?"

 "Like, run away from all the problems, away from the pain. Away from it all. Would you follow out the plan with me?".

I thought about it for awhile, but didn't let it get into my head too much. While walking, hands intertwined, we bought one ice cream cone. We fed a tiny bit to Lunar because we know cats can't have ice cream. She sniffed it then looked uninterested. "More for me then." Yoongi said while clapping his hands. I smiled at his cuteness. He got into the line to buy one more ice cream cone himself as he gave me his.

The waiting line wasn't long, nor was it short. Lunar and I sat down at a table nearby while Yoongi stood in line waiting to purchase the frozen dessert.

Lunar fell asleep halfway through waiting for Yoongi which only took 3 minutes. She was on the table under the shade of an umbrella, curled up into a ball. It kinda reminded me of someone, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then he came.

"I got your order!" Yoongi said while sitting at the table, sending me a warm smile. 

'So that's who Lunar reminds me of.' I giggled at the thought of Yoongi being so similar to a cat.

"What are you giggling at?" Yoongi asked, snapping me out of my mind. I shook my head, "N-Nothing!" I smiled while shoving the ice cream into my face. "Can't --alk! Ham heating." my sensitive teeth couldn't handle the coldness but I kept it on the down-low. He chuckled at me then took a napkin to wipe my face off. "Aish, and you call me a child. Look at you, face covered in ice-cream." he rolled his eyes.

He then took me by surprise and kissed me on the lips. "Tastes like ice-cream. I love you!~" he said while licking his lips and smiling. This idiot really knows how to get to me. Although I felt like hurting him, Lunar was asleep and I didn't want to wake her up. I kept quiet and stared at him.

"If I'm so beautiful, just tell me. Staring is rude." he chuckled.

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