I Will Protect You

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                                                                              *Yoongi's POV*

I was on my way to school, until I saw her sitting on the bench alone, I was about to walk right past her, until some group of students showed up near her. I knew trouble was going to start, but didn't know for sure, so I waited until something happened, and it sure did. They started to throw rocks at her for no good reason, so I ran over and tried to drive them away from her.

"Why do students pick on her?"

"What did she do to deserve this?"

I thought. After she opened her eyes they met mine, her eyes were full of tears. Words were going through my head that I wanted to say, but didn't, I was silent. I pulled her off the bench, and took her to a nearby bakery. I told her to wait outside, she didn't say anything, but nodded. After a couple of minutes, I came out with a bun I was planning to split between us. We ate the bun, and after that I took her to school with me. I wanted to hold her close so nothing could happen to her. When I looked down at her, she was red, couldn't tell if she was blushing, or because she's been crying. Either way, it didn't matter, I was protecting her, so they couldn't hurt her.

'Why is my heart beating so fast right now?' I thought to myself.

I wanted to give her a surprise, so I asked if during lunch she could come to the Piano room.

"Why?" She asked.

"Just come, and bring your lunch along with you" 

She replied with "Pfffft, what else am I supposed to do during lunch dummy? Haha".

I made her smile, it was nice to see her smile again. It made me happy, so I smiled as well.

"Alright I'll come"  She said with an excited tone.

I was happy to hear her say that, and so we both went to class together. Girls from our class stared at her with disgusted looks.

"Why?.." I thought.

I tried to ignore it, we both took a seat. She pulled out a book from her bag, and started to read it. I read the title, and I was saddened to see it, "10 ways to live a happier life". 

"Was her life that depressing?" I thought, I tried to shake the thought out of my head. 

I turned around to see students pointing and laughing at her, but she didn't care. I felt bad, but if  she didn't mind, then I guess I should just drop it. They weren't physically hurting her, but I was still concerned.

                                                                                     *Y/N POV*

"He asked me to meet him in the piano room, but for what reason? Can he play the piano?" I thought to myself. 

"I should just wait for lunch to find out I guess."

When I turned around to look at him, he was looking at the other students with a concerned look on his face, but it also showed a hint of anger. I felt bad for him, for having to do these kind of things for me.

"I don't need it, I'm a strong person, I can defend myself"  I whispered to myself.

"Hm? What did you say?" He asked me as he turned around.

I then noticed that I said that out loud

"Oh! Nothing, I said nothing, don't worry about it" I said with a nervous tone.

Stranger {Min Yoongi x Reader FF}Where stories live. Discover now