The Girl With The Crystal Blue

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-Caroline's POV-

So Elena and I had been driving back home after a shopping spree in Croskville.

We were just arguing about Stefan again. That's the only time we talk, and we don't even talk anymore. We argue. I don't like it when we argue. It makes me feel like our friendship is lacking.

I worry about Elena. Ever since Stefan left with Klaus, she's not the same.

I sigh, and turn my head to look out the window. It was dark, and I think it's going to rain.

"Hey, Caroline?" Elena asks.


"Is that a person in the middle of the road?" she asks.

I don't even bother looking. "It's probably just Damon messing with us."

"No, Caroline! It's standing up! And it's a girl!"

Considering Damon always lays on the road, I look. Elena was right, there was a girl in the road. I use my vampire senses and look at her, "Elena! She's hurt!"

Elena pulls up beside the girl. The girl says, "Help!" Before she passes out.


Elena pulls onto the road going to the Boarding House, franticlly looking at the hurt girl in the back. She looks at her so often, we almost had a wreck twice!

"ELENA! I know your worried about her, but I don't want to die too!"

She looks at me and nods, looking one last time at the girl and focus's on the road.

Finally pulling into the driveway, I jump out and sweep the girl up into the bridal style. Her shirt was rising up on her side and I saw some bruses on her ribs and a beautiful tatoo. It wasn't like a normal one, it wasn't black or some nasty color. It was crystal blue sun with blue stones dotted over it. It looked magical!

"Elena!" I whisper loudly. Yes it's possible. "Come look at this tattoo!"

Elena walks over and gently touches it. "It's beautiful!" She whispers. "Those are real stones!"

"I wonder what they do?" I ponder as I walk into the Living Room.

I gently lay down the girl on the couch and pull her shirt down over her tattoo. I sat beside her and waited for her to wake up.

Elena walks in with Damon, drink in hand. He smirks at the girl, "Hey Blondie! I thought it was my pleasure to bring home passed out beauties!"

I roll my eyes at him, "Please Damon! She's hurt." Elena begged.

Sometimes.... I swear!

He looks down at Elena who had grabbed his arm. Realising this, she quickly let go, blushing.

Damon smirks at her then walks over to the girl. He leans over her. Both Elena and I held our breathe, not sure what he was doing.

He reached out a hand to pull up her shirt. "DAMON!" Elena and I shout. He waves us off and glares. "I'm just looking at this...." He pulls it up farther, exposing the whole tattoo. "My god...." He whispers.

Elena looks from him to the tattoo, "What? What is it!" she whispers back.

He shakes his head and reaches out to touch it. Right when his finger touched one of the blue crystals, the girl's hand shot out, causing Damon to fly into the wall. She must have some power to nock Damon off.

The girl sits up shakily and looks around. I instantly felt sorry for her. She looks like a deer in headlights.

Damon growls at her, shooting out death threats. She stands, hand still pointing at Damon, and turns to me. "Where am I?"

I stand up, causing her to raise her other hand at me. I raise my hands in a harmless gesture. "I'm Caroline. Elena and I was driving home from shopping and we saw you in the middle of the road, So we picked you up. And you were hurt. You have some bruises on your ribs, I think they might be broken."

She looked down at her side self contiously and noticed the tattoo. She gasps, then puts all three of us on the wall. "Did you do this to me?"

"You mean you didn't have it before?" Elena asks.

She shakes her head, "No..." She whispers, still rubbing the blue stones.

I look at Damon who was frozen by her actions. If it had been anyone else, he would be fuming... Hm. "Look, we aren't going to hurt you! We want to help!"

She looks at me doubtfully. She then looks at Elena who nods, then Damon who was still staring at her. Looking curiously at Damon, she nods at lets us go.

Elena rushes over to her, "We need to take you to the hospital! You are hurt! You have some broken ribs, and a lot of bruises."

She smiles at her concern at backs up, "I think I'll be fine." She then spread her arms and starts muttering ancient words. A blue mist starts to surround her. "Viola! I'm healed!" She states, winking at Elena.

"What is your name?" ask Damon, speaking up for the first time.

She looks at him curiously, "My name is Alexis...and I'm the Silver Princess."

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