iPhones and Confusion

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-Alexis's POV-

I slam the door shut and sink into the couch. "Ugh!"


"Seriously? Didn't everyone just see me?" I shout at the door.

"Yes, but we havn't met yet." He said as I opened the door.

"You! Your- Your the vampires!" I said, noticing the two from earlier.

The Blondie looked me up and smirked, "Yes, and you are The Silver Princess." He said, stepping forward.

I step back, cautious. He continued until he reached the door way. "May we come in?"

I laugh, "No! I'm not stupid! Your a VAMPIRE! I'm not letting you in!"

The other guy, who I noticed from the gathering, steps forward and looks at me, "Then will you come out? We just want to talk."

Blondie grins at stranger and I step out.

I cross my arms and cock my hip, "So you know me, but I don't know you. What's your name Blondie?"

He raises his eyebrow, "Blondie?"

I tilt my head, and he sighs, "My name is Klaus and this is my friend, Stefan."

"Oh! I've heard of you!" I exclaim.

Stefan frowned, "You have?"

I laugh, "No! I haven't been outside of town since my father died! Where would I know anything about you?"

Stefan glared, "Damon would-"

"That's enough Stefan. Now, Alexis, I have a proposal for you."

I look at Stefan who had stepped behind Klaus, "Who's Damon?"

Stefan opened his mouth but Klaus intervened, "No one of importance right now. We need your help."

I look at him expectingly. "With what?"

"We need you to leave this town and go, not far, to a small town called Mystic Falls."

I look at him, "You know I can't just get up and leave, Klaus! There is a whole ARMY of VAMPIRES coming to my town! I can't leave them!"

He chuckled, "Stefan and I will fix that, but only if you agree to our deal." He said sticking his hand out.

I frown at it, "Well I guess I could go, I have to meet my Ex in the forest on the way, so it could work out."

Stefan frowned and spoke up, "Ex? What's his name?"


Stefan growled and Klaus looked surprised, "Danny huh? Interesting."

I cautiously look at Stefan while I reach for Klaus's hand, "All right, Deal"

Right when our hands touched I was transported into something that looked like a old village. I saw four men chasing a younger girl. She was squealing with delight. "You can't catch me Elijah, Fin, Kol, and Niklaus!" Niklaus? Could that be Klaus? But who were the others?

Niklaus was infront of all of the others and reached the girl first, grabbing her around the waist and twirling around. "Caught you my Theresa!" She giggled and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Then I saw her face. She looks almost just like me!

By then the others had caught up with the two, "Aw Niklaus always gets the pretty ones!" I think that was Kol who whined.

My vision zoomed in to Niklaus and Theresa who were looking lovingly into each other's eyes. Then, she disappeared with a poof, leaving Niklaus looking devastated.


I shake my head, snapping out of the vision. I look up to Klaus glaring at me.

"What did you just see?" He growled.

I stepped back inside the saftey of my house. "I'm so sorry Niklaus. I don't know why I look like her, but I will go to Mystic Falls and spy for you."

Stefan pushed infront of Klaus and looked me in the eye. "You will not remember meeting us, you will go meet Dany in the forest like normal, but then you will somehow end up in Mystic Falls. Every Thursday you will go to the cementary and report news to whoever we send, ok?"

I feel myself slowly growing foggy, "I understand."

I bairly saw my iPhone being thrown at me. Then I passed out.

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