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Today was the day I was going to college with my bestfriend Emily. I gave her a call and waited for her to pick up. "Why did you wake me up, I was enjoying my...WAIT! WE ARE STARTING COLLEGE TODAY!"

We screamed down the phone and laughed. I'm glad she is my bestfriend. "Will you meet me at Starbucks in like one hour?" I smiled even though she can't see me. She knew that was my favourite drink shop.

"Yeah, see you soon, love ya!" she laughed down the phone. "Love ya too, bye!" She put the phone down and I decided to get a shower and freshen up things. New place. New life. I stripped down and locked the bathroom door.

"Mum, I'm getting in the shower!" She didn't answer me. Strange? I got in the shower and washed my long brown hair. As I was showering, I was thinking about how all of this is going to change my life and that I could meet more bestfriends.

I don't have a problem with Emily! She has been my bestfriend since Year 2. I could actually find a boy who I can live the rest of my life with instead of my mum. After my shower, I dried my body and got into some clothes.

I tested to see how hot or cold it is and stuck my arm out of the window. It was hot. I decided to wear some shorts with my Nasa crop top. I put on my Nike Air trainers on and dried my hair, then straightened it, then applied some make-up.

Once I was ready, I gave Emily a quick call. "Lilly, hurry up I have been waiting for ages, and..HOLY CRAP. There is 4 CUTE BOYS!" I squealed down the phone and got off my ass and ran down the stairs and kissed my mum goodbye. She will be round at my college later on.

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