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"Baby can we go to the beach?" I asked Calum. "Yeah, it's quite boring being stuck in a room without Luke and Emily being in the Living Room." He moaned back. We got changed into swimming suits and put our clothes on. I wore my Pink and Yellow Tiger striped Bikini and Cal just wore some trunks. Typical. Calum locked our bedroom door and we headed to the car. I opened the car door and sighed. "What's up?" Calum asked. "It's too hot." I moan at him. He rolled his eyes and I hopped in. The journey took 10 minutes to get there. Once we arrived, we got everything from the boot and locked the car. "Today is amazing!" Calum shouted. "I know! Lets get a space on the beach,  I want to get a tan!" I moaned. "Okay, enough with the moaning baby." He told me. I sighed and placed a chair down. We both sat and spoke about our time together for the past few months. "Do you remember that night we met and we went to that house party?" Calum tooked to me hiding the sun away from his eyes. "Yeah and you snagged me." I laughed holding my stomach. "Should we tonight?" He asked. "Depends how happy you make me." I smiled. He bit his lip and turned back to the sun. Magic happen between us two tonight. I know there will be. I found an empty cup on the sand and ran to the sea and filled it up. I tip toed to Calum and poured the water on him. "THAT'S FREEZING!" Calum screamed like a little girl. "Sorry for making you wet." I teased him. "Haha funny joke babe." I laughed and sat down on the sand. I stood back up and pulled Calum up. "Come with me." I grabbed his hand and walked to the damp part of the sand. "What are we doing?" He asked. "Writing our names in the sand." He smiled and nelt down. We writen; Calum ♡'s Lilly. I pulled him up and he pulled me close to his body. "You're so sexy." He whispered. "You are baby." We hugged back to the hot place of the beach and packed our things up. It was time to go back fornthe Barbecue. This day has been amazing. Well, so far.

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