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Me and Lilly were hammered. we had a lot to drink and the last thing we needed at the end of an amazing night was sex. We walked in and went straight to the bedroom. I checked the time and it was 11 o'clock. The day has gone so quick. "Ready for this?" I asked Lilly as she was taking her shoes off. "Been waiting since day 1." I laughed. I got a condom out of the draw and put it on the desk near by. Lilly took her clothes off and stood in her underwear. She looked perfect. "Wow, you look even better than you did the first day." She gave me that really cute smile she always does making her dimples appear. She walked towards me and slipped her hand up my top. I kissed her and brushed my tounge across her top lip. "I'm ready." Lilly whispered through our kiss. "Okay baby." I took her bra off and she took my top off. I pulled her up and wrapped her legs around my body. We were kissing against the wall and there was a knock on the door. "Yes?" I whinned. It was Luke. "Don't forget the condom." He laughed. I looked at Lilly and she bit her lip. "We are rebels, we don't need condoms." She shouted back. I laughed so hard my belly hurt. I made sure the door was locked and I made it to the bed. Lilly was lying there naked.


"That was fab." She whispered. "I know." We were both roasting and sat quiet for a few minutes. We could hear moaning, screaming and smacking. Me and Lilly burst out laughing, Luke and Emily were having sex. "I'm shattered." I told Lilly. "Me too, I think I'm gonna sleep, night baby boy, I love you." I turned to turn the light off and closed my eyes. "Thankyou for tonight, I love you more baby girl."

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