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Ashton's POV

It was Tuesday and I woke up lying on the counter, in the kitchen. I have no idea what happened last night but I knew that something happened. There was red cups on the floor, empty bottles everywhere and the whole place was a mess.

I started to worry why i woke up in such a state. The only person that was on my mind right now was Emily.

I gave her a call and she answered straight away.


"Hi, do you know why the house is in such state?"

"The house is in a state?!"

"Never mind, I'm just loopy haha, got to go bye!"

I hung up and shouted; "NO!!" I remembered what happened last night. Me and Michael threw a part together. OH GOD.

I screamed Michaels name. I waited for a response but there wasn't any. I ran upstairs and walked into his room, he wasn't there. I checked in Emily and Luke's room, still wasn't there.

"MICHAEL GORDEN CLIFFORD WHERE THE FRICK ARE YOU?!" I ran into the bathroom and there he was. Asleep in the bathtub."MICHAEL!!" he jumped up and jumped.

"What?" I growled looking down at him. "Remember that party we had last night? And Luke and Emily went out and are coming back today? WE NEED TO CLEAN ALL THE HOUSE NOW!!"

I got a text from Emily saying they're on their way back now. "WAKE THE HELL UP!!" He finally gotten up and walked down the stairs. There was mattresses on the stairs. Great.

"Help me with this Michael will you?" He nodded and pulled the mattress up and we placed it in Emily and Lukes room.

I received another text off Emily saying they were 10 minutes away. "10 MINUTES MICHAEL!! THERES PEOPLE ALL OVER THE HOUSE ASLEEP!!"

He sighed and ran down the stairs, falling half way. I burst out laughing holding my belly it was that funny.

"Shut the hell up and help!" He screamed.

Ten minutes went and the house was so clean that you couldn't even there was a crumb.

"We're home!" We heard Luke shout and me and Michael ran down the stairs and jumped on the couch. "Hey!" Michael smiled.


Lilly's POV

So it was 11:00pm and we just finished our pizzas. Of course. Pizza is our favorite food at the moment and we can't live without it.

Emily and Luke were snuggled up, Emily looked like she was about to throw up. Okay. Jess and Michael were cuddling , well, jess sitting on his lap with his arms around her, trying to watch TV.

And me and Calum. We were happy bunny's cuddled up and not pregnant. I mean, I felt jealous because I wanted a baby.

"Babe, I really love you please understand." Calum looked down at me and pouted. "Of course I know you love me! I love you as much as you love me, and that's a lot!" I smiled and kissed his soft and tender lips.

"Should we go to the bedroom?" Calum smiled and grabbed my hand. "We shall!" We got up and walked to the bedroom. He threw me against the wall and gave me gentle kisses against my neck.

His breathe slowly slipping around my neck, making its way down my body. I couldn't help but to shiver. "You're so sexy Lilly." I laughed and breathed really loudly, without even noticing.

I managed to slip my hand up his top and feel his silky torse. "You make me so happy" I touched his nipple. Calum pressed his lips against mine and moved his tongue around my.mouth.

"I need to tell you something." I say to Calum trying to push him away. "What is it?" He smiled through the kiss. He doesn't even give me a chance to speak, he literally covered my whole mouth.

"I'm pregnant!!" I smile hugging him tightly. He pulls away and stares into my eyes. "Seriously? Are we going to be, parents?" He gulped giving me a smile. I nodded and he ran into my arms and squeazed as tight as he could.

"I need to breathe!" I struggled with my words. "Oh yeah sorry, let's tell the others!!" We walked out of the room and headed to the living room.

"There's something I need to tell you.all." I smiled. Their eyes all widened and looked at me and Calum.

"I'm pregnant!!" I screamed. Emily jumped up and screamed with me. "Oh my god congratulations!!" I smiled and pulled away from her.

"You're gonna be great-". Emily instantly fell to the floor and whimpering in pain. "The baby's coming!"

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