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We got back to the dorms and seen Emily sorting out the salad. "Hey babes!" Lilly shouted hugging her. "Hey! How did the beach go?" She said with a smile on her face. "It was great, the fact Lilly made me wet." I coughed. They both started to laugh. "Not that way you dirty bitches!" I laughed. I walked onto the balcony and seen Luke cooking on the barbecue. "Hey man. How's your birthday been so far? Anything in particular you want to tell me had happened when we were out?" I smirked. "Nothing, we just had a few drinks and maybe a few sexual things." He turned away biting his lip. "Well me and Lilly are going to be a bit sexual tonight." I whispered patting his shoulder. He laughed and carried on with the barbecue. I decided to go for a shower. I told Lilly and gave her a kiss. I washed all of my body and my hair. I dried my body and put some jeans and a vest top on. I used some of Luke's nee perfume and rubbed it over me. I smelt good. After getting ready, I went on the balcony again. The sausages were ready. I ate a sausage and tried to find Lilly. I eventually found her in our bathroom in the bath. "Hey beautiful." I giggled. "Hey sexy asian." She joked. She had bubbles over her body. God dammit, she looked hot in a bathtub. "You smell gorgeous!" She leaned over to me smelling my neck. "Are you nearly done?" I laughed holding her hand. "Nearly, yes." 5 minutes went by and she had got a towel and wrapped it around her perfectly shaped body. "Your figure is perfect." I starred at her. "Stop perving." She laughed hitting me playfully. I gave her my Nasa top and she couldn't keep her nose off of it. "Nice smell?" I laughed handing her some underwear. "You always smell so nice!" She laughed. "Cmon, lets join the other love birds with the barby." I grabbed her and put her on my back. We walked onto the balcony and joined Luke and Emily. They were feeding eachother. How cute.

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