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It's good to see Emily with a smile on her face. I got her everything she wanted and I am glad to cheer her up. And to finish the end of the day, I am going to take her to Nandos and eat on the beach. She will love it. I decided to jump in the shower and then get ready. I got in the shower and washed my blonde quiff. Scrubbed my body with shower gel and did a shave. You always have to look good for a first date. After my refreshing shower,  I put some clothes on. I wore my ripped skinny jeans with my Nirvana top and some Vans. Emily is going to look stunning tonight.


I decided to get a shower so I don't smell horrible. I washed my long brown hair with my Strawberry and Apple shampoo. I love the scent of that shampoo. I scrubbed my body with shower gel and I shaved my legs seeming as they were hairy. I got out of the shower and got into my dressing gown. I dried my hair and straightened it. I applied some make-up and done my normal routine. I covered my face in blusher, then applied some foundation. I then draw lines on my eyelids with my eyeliner. I added a coat of black mascara and filled my eyebrows in. I brushed my teeth and packed some chewies. I was so excited. I wore my denim shorts with my Penguin crop top. I love penguins. I put some wedges on and looked in the mirror one more time. Luke gave me a text telling me to meet him outside the dorms. I gave him a quick text back and walked into Lilly and Calums room. "Guys, do I look okay?" Their eyes widened as they saw me. "Do you look okay? Babe you look stunning!" Lilly shouted. "Thankyou, Luke is taking me out and I didn't know how to dress. Got to go now, you two kids have a fun night." They laughed and whistled. "Have a great night, love ya!" Lilly shouted. "Love ya more! Love ya Calum!" He laughed. "Love ya to Emily!" I rushed outside the dorms and seen Luke scrolling through his phone. "Hey, sorry I am late, I was talking to Lilly and Calum." He smiled and slid his phone in his pocket. "It's okay, ready?" I nodded and we walked to Nandos.

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