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We were walking through the corridor trying to find mine and Luke's room. Suddenly, we heard screaming. We turned around and guess who it was? Lilly and Emily! "Hey guys! What room are you girls in?" Luke coughed awkwardly.

"I think it is number 23. Is this right?" She shown us the piece of paper and I nodded. We looked at ours and we were in the same room as them! How could this day get any better? "We are all in the same room together!"

The girls screamed yet again and hugged us. I love Lilly's hugs and I can tell Luke loves Emily's. I reckon Luke and Emily would be such a cute couple. We all pulled our luggage into our dorms and we unlocked the room we were all staying in.

We were all amazed at the size of our rooms. We thought we would of had some crappy bunk and a dirty shower. But no. We had 2 double beds with a jacuzzi and 2 clean showers. This has to be the highlight of my year so far.

"This place is awesome!" Luke shouted and grabbed Emily in for a hug. "I totally agree!" I shouted also and pulled Lilly in for a hug.


I love Emily so much! I need to talk to Lilly and learn some facts about her and Cal needs to do the same about Lilly. I walked over to them all and asked if I could speak to Lilly about Emily and Calum goes and speaks to Emily about Lilly.

Calum and Emily go in the bedroom and me and Lilly go on the balcony. "So Lilly, what facts do I need to learn about Emily?" She frowned as I asked her the question. "Ok, well, it's kinda complicated...her childhood was quite upsetting."

I looked at Lilly and told her to carry on. "When Emily was born, she didn't meet her dad. Apparently he was an alcoholic and left them when she was born. In Year 2, when me and Emily became bestfriends she told me her secret.

Her mum had caught cancer and unfortunately..she died. Emily lives with her nan." I was so shocked by what I was told. "Oh my god, really?" She nodded at me and frowned.

"Her mum was so nice, but that isn't all. She got bullied since Year 2, all the way up to Year 11. She has suffered from anorexia and she used to cut. I have always been here for her all the way, and if I didn't, I wouldn't be here right now." I went up to Lilly and gave her a hug.

"I will speak to Emily in a bit. I feel really sorry for her! I have the same childhood as her accept the opposite way round." Lilly's mouth dropped and gave me her biggest eyes. "Really? So your mum was an alcoholic, your dad died and you live with your grandad?" Lilly whispered.

"Yeah, pretty much. It is so hard, I guess you can tell by Emily." She nodded and decided to go for a shower. I guess I needed one myself.

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