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I waited to go to the bathroom and seen Luke walk out. I thought Emily was in there? I walked in and seen Emily had a massive grin on her face. "Why are you smiling on the toilet?" I was so confused. "Luke has just spanked me and called me sexy, he's into me!" I squealed and hugged her. "You seriously need to get changed now!" I complained to her because she was still in her bra and knickers. "I will definitely now." She laughed and gave me a hug. We walked out of the bathroom and Emily put her Black dress on and applied make-up on. She looked amazing! Her long brown hair was straightened and it looked perfect. Her make-up and outfit was gorgeous. "Emily! Luke is going to get you tonight by any chance!" She laughed and punched me playfully. "Same for you! Your stunning babe! Calum is gonna want everything from you!" I laughed and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Look what you have done! A BRIGHT RED LIPSTICK STAIN ON MY CHEEK!" I tried not to laugh as much because my make-up would smudge. She takes her anger out on me so seriously. She wiped off the stain and she re-done her face. "You look fine! Hurry up because the boys are gonna be waiting for you!" She sighed and growled. "Let me put my shoes on, then I will be ready." 5 minutes went by and she was eventually ready. "Done!" I smiled and smacked her bum. "Come on then!" We headed out of the room and walked outside. We were ready for tonight. Finally.

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