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I decided to go and talk to Emily seeming as we have just became friends and I need some information about Lilly. "Emily, can I have a moment?" She gave me a cheesy smile and came over. "Yes Cal?" As I was about to begin speaking, I heard Lilly shout she is going  in the shower.

I ignored her and asked Emily if she could give me some information. "Well, Lilly loves to eat Nandos, I am the same, she loooooves One Direction, same as me again, she loves the colours green and yellow, her birthday is 12th January, her childhood was quite upsetting like mine was. She got bullied since Year 4 until Year 8, she cut and starved, she suffered from anorexia like me and yeah, I guess that's it really."

I was speechless, I couldn't even speak! Lilly and Emily don't seem to be like them sort of girls. I thought their lives would of been happy and great seeming as they are beautiful and great friends. I needed to talk to her.

I went to go and find Lilly and Em told me she went into the shower's with Luke. Not together. I would actually kill him if he was hitting on my girl. 1 hour went by and Lilly and Luke had come out of the showers.

I called up Ashton and Michael and asked them to come round. They eventually came around and sat down with us all. We decided to order a pizza and we all had a talk and laughed along with eachother.

Lilly cuddled into me and I wrapped my arms around her shoulders. Luke was staring at Emily whilst eating his pizza. It's so obvious he wants her. I asked Michael to come outside in the corridor. "Hey man, can we all have a party at yours and Ashton's frat house? I really want Lilly and I know for a matter of fact Luke wants Emily."

He laughed along with me. "Sure, I need to hit on to some girls now myself!" I laughed and punched his arm. "Thanks man" We walked in and I sat next to Lilly. "I think me and Ash are gonna go now, see you guys later on!" I smiled and shut the door. "What does he mean 'later on'?" I looked at Luke and winked as he knew what I was in about.

"Will you beautiful girls come to Michael and Ashton's frat house party later on?" They both blushed and bit their lips. "Can we speak outside a second Lilly?" Emily asked Lilly. She nodded and they walked outside the room. Please say yes.

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