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I walked into my room and locked the door. I went into my wardrobe and looked for my top. "Where is it?" I whispered to myself. I finally found it and gave it a shake. It was my 'Ay He's Mine.' top so it matches Lukes. I put on some denim leggings on underneath and wore my small wedges. I sprayed my Ghost perfume on because that was my mums perfume and it smelt so nice. I sat on the floor with my legs crossed. I turned my straighteners on and started to straighten my hair. I loved my hair when it was down and straightened. I put a flower headband on my head and applied my makeup. I filled my eyebrows in, added some eyeliner, foundation, blusher and mascara. I looked perfect. I stood up and smiled at the mirror. I unlocked my bedroom door and walked to Luke. "You ready?" I asked popping my sunglasses on and passing Luke some gum. "Yep, lets go baby." He grabbed my hand and we left the dorms. We got into my car and drove to Starbucks. We got our original and sat down. "Where do you want to go?" I asked. "I think, instead of going the beach and making you wet again *Luke Chuckles*, we should go and get a picnic and eat at the field and re make that day I screwed up, good idea?" I laughed and nodded. "Can we get a smoothie?" Luke asked. "Thirsty or something?" I asked. He nodded and went back in the line. I got a Raspberry and Peach and Luke got Mango and Pineapple. We tasted eachothers and sighed. "That's nice." We both muttered. "Lets head to the supermarket and get bits and bobs for our mini date then." Luke squealed holding my hand. "Whatever you say boss!" I saluted. Cannot believe he is 16 today.

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