Chapter 7--Burying the Hatchet

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"So you're really going?" a voice comes from my bedroom door as I finish packing.

I turn and face my sister, "Well, judging by the two suitcases and the toiletries bag on my bed, I'd say yes."

"Look," she sighs, "I'm sorry about this morning, 'kay? I--Uh--I guess I was jealous. And a little sad, too, that you didn't tell me."

I soften towards her despite myself. I open my arms, "Come here."

She walks over and hugs me, "I really am sorry."

"Don't worry about it," I shake my head, "You had a right to get upset. He didn't want me to tell you, though. That's why I didn't."

"It's fine. I was the one who overreacted," she smiles, "I'm so excited for you, though!"

I laugh, "Thanks. I'm kind of nervous, though. I don't really know anything about them."

She grins mischievously, "You leave that to me."


After hours of interviews and twitcams, I feel a little better prepared. I've learned all about Harry's adoration of cats, Liam's aversion to spoons, Zayn's "vanity," and Louis's love of girls who like carrots... and Lamborghinis. I've also found out why everyone wants to hear Niall say "potatoes." From Kevin to six r's, Arden has taught me almost everything she knows about the boys. 

"I feel like, I'm going to explode," I say as she starts to play her One Direction playlist on YouTube.

"It's a lot to take in in one day," she nods, "Most people spread it out over a week."

"This is only a week's worth of information?" I gasp.

"More or less," she shrugs, "I only showed you the most popular stuff. I've got way more. Wanna see?"

I shake my head, "They're gonna be here soon. I'd like to let everything settle so I don't look sick when they get here."

She giggles, "Wanna go eat?"

I nod and stand, following her to the kitchen, "And take some Tylenol."

She laughs and opens the fridge, "What do you want?"

"Do we have any strawberries?"

"Uh... Yeah," she hands me the container, "You sure that's all you want?"

"I figure we'll get something to eat later, so I don't want much right now," I explain.

She nods and makes herself a sandwich. After we finish eating, we go back to my room. She looks through my bags and my closet, unpacking some things and packing others. After five minutes, she seems satisfied with her work and zips the bags back up.

"Lila, dear, they're here!" Mom calls. I grab the bags off my bed and quickly make my way to the front door.

"Bye, Mom," I hug her.

"Good-bye, darling. Be safe and have fun," she smiles.

"I will," I nod, "Tell Daddy I said bye."

She nods and kisses my cheek. Arden comes running out of my room and hugs me around the waist.

"Promise you'll text me?" she asks quietly.

I nod, "And we'll Skype as often as possible."

"I'll miss you," she whispers.

"I'll be back soon enough," I kiss her forehead, "You have a good summer."

"You, too," she smiles.

I kiss both of them again and leave. Niall meets me halfway down the sidewalk and takes my bags.

"Sorry we're late," he sighs.

"By what?" I look at my phone, "Two minutes?"

He laughs, "Go on the bus. I'll load your bags."

I nod and get on the bus. It's spectacular. It has all different kinds of game systems, a mini bar, couches, tables, and beds. I've never seen anything like it before.

A sudden voice interrupts my thoughts, "Well, damn! Niall didn't tell us you're so hot!"

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